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Recruitment Trends: Why 58% of Recruitments Will Never Be Closed Perfectly

How to find, hire and motivate new employees.


According to  the Human Capital Benchmarking Report,  it takes an average of 42 days to close a single recruitment. Add to that onboarding , completing (and even more so – failing) the trial period, and unforeseen situations – and the number is impressive. During all this time, the company is incurring losses or receiving lower profits.A year of living in a pandemic has made recruiters’ jobs more stressful: the circumstances we all find ourselves in have forced us to mobilize and change our recruiting tactics. To support HR managers and all those who make recruitment decisions in companies, we have identified the main hiring trends for 2021 that will help you win the battle for talent.

#1. Employee Experience

According to  LinkedIn’s 2020 Global Talent Trends Report list of kuwait cell phone numbers 96% of recruiters consider Employee Experience (EX) an important factor in their work. Companies are investing resources in EX to retain employees and increase their attractiveness to potential candidates.

An important skill for a recruiter is honesty and maintaining good relationships with a wide variety of candidates. Although Recruitments Will not everything worked out in a specific recruitment, there is a chance that the candidate will improve their qualifications and will be able to reapply to the company. Build communication in such a way that the applicant will have good memories of the interaction with the company, even if they do not receive a job offer.

According to data from the SHRM recruiting community, 60% of candidates abandon their recruitment process because it is too long, complicated and unclear. TalentLyft found that 97% of candidates who had a positive recruiting experience at a company will recommend that employer to their friends, and half of them will mark this fact with a positive comment on social media.

At the same time, every third candidate among those who had an unpleasant aftertaste after taking part in the recruitment will advise their friends against working with this company. More than half of such candidates will also give up on the company’s products.

#2. Internal Recruitments Will recruitment

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According to LinkedIn, professional recruiters believe that the recruitment process does not end with the arrival of new employees. 81% of them believe that internal recruitment can extend the time that employees spend working in the company . 69% of specialists mention accelerated adaptation among the positive features of this trend, because the employee does not have to waste time integrating with the team.

According to  Jobvite , only 36% of companies are already recruiting internally and believe that it is worth looking for candidates for new positions among employees. 83% of respondents indicate that their organizations are ineffective in matters related to internal recruitment changes. Three out of five recruiters indicate that for a quarter of vacancies, employees already employed in the company are considered.

#3. Working with different generations

A team can bring together employees of different ages, values, and life priorities. According to LinkedIn digital marketing in 2032: what do industry leaders predict? companies and recruiting specialists will see this firsthand in 2021. Among the key Recruitments Will generational differences, recruiters list:

  • management style – 69%;
  • work-life balance – 68%;
  • communication style – 63%.

At the same time, 89% of recruiters believe that a team consisting of representatives of different generations helps companies achieve greater success.

#4. Going Mobile

Recruiting and 9-to-5 are two things that hong kong phone number are hard to combine. Quite often, candidates who work 9-to-5 schedules ask for interviews in the evening or on weekends.

According to LinkedIn, 81% of employers and 70% of candidates use mobile devices for recruiting tasks. This is especially true when hiring Generation Z. Goldman Sachs found that this group spends more than 10 hours a day online.

Glassdoor’s research confirms the need to adapt platforms to mobile devices. It turns out that the best applications most often flow to employers via mobile traffic. Their source can be both an advertisement that interested parties have seen on a smartphone or tablet, as well as job offers posted on dedicated websites. Interestingly, this does not only apply to millennials or Generation Z: over half of them (55%) are candidates born in the 1970s and 1980s.


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