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8 Trends in B2B Marketing

Find out in which direction marketing is evolving in B2B companies.


Business-to-business organizations like Salesforce, Microsoft, and Oracle are well aware that B2B marketing is a complex undertaking – it requires analyzing the size of the market, the sales process, and target groups. Dozens of partners are acquired in this way.

This is accompanied by the creation of an extremely complex and challenging environment.

Referring to companies that research and predict trends in the industry qatar mobile phone numbers database we looked at 8 trends that are particularly eye-catching in 2022. Due to the fact that customer expectations are constantly changing and we are introducing new technologies to business faster and faster, B2B marketing strategies are evolving rapidly. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on ensuring that the company remains relevant to customers, i.e. responds to their needs, is profitable, i.e. monetizes its new products and services, and does not lag behind the competition. What are the main directions in B2B marketing worth paying attention to?

What is B2B marketing?

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Let’s start with what B2B marketing is. It is an abbreviation of business-to-business, i.e. activities within products and services directed to other companies or organizations (e.g. selling software, consulting, financial, office services, etc.). In the modern marketing environment, B2B sellers acquire partners for cooperation, who may come from very different industries. In this way, a complex and challenging network of connections and contacts is created, converting into purchases. B2B marketing has features in common with B2C marketing, which is directed directly to consumers.

Comparing B2B and B2C marketing is important when choosing a strategy. Failure to pay attention to the differences between the two types of marketing can result in costs – in financial, time and human resources.

8 B2B Marketing Trends for 2022

#1. Marketing Budget Spending Is Changing

COVID-19 has affected many industries and companies around the world. According to Gartner factors to consider when selling an ecommerce business marketing budgets have fallen from 11% of company revenue in 2020 to 6.4% in 2021. This should mean more rational spending. Changes are also associated with the allocation of budgets and a stronger shift towards digital channels. Many companies are currently looking for more cost-effective ways to sell their products or services. Given the rapid growth in the use of the Internet, the future of B2B marketing can only be more digital.

Source: Gartner

Three ways to reallocate your marketing budget to digital channels that will help B2B companies succeed:

  • Reach.  By using search engine marketing campaigns, B2B companies can reach a large number of buyers with their messages who will decide to make a purchase.
  • Engagement.  Digital channels can help B2B companies gain greater customer attention and engagement – ​​marketers can leverage social media, video, and landing pages that tap into their customers’ specific buying cycles.
  • Scaling.  Once B2B companies have a digital marketing plan in place, they can easily scale it and leverage campaigns to generate leads and reach potential customers.

#2. Connecting Marketing Teams

The pandemic has forced businesses to change the purchasing paths of B2B customers. COVID-19 has limited the possibility of face-to-face meetings with company representatives. Instead of dividing the team into people responsible for lead acquisition, sales and dealing with regular customers cpa email list the consolidation of the marketing department should go towards acquiring specialists who will deal with both sales and customer retention, i.e. be responsible for the full customer lifecycle. Account-based marketing and digital channels are used for this, which allows for engaging customers at every stage of the path, both before and after making a purchase.

#3. Changing CMO Priorities

As customer expectations and behaviors have changed dramatically due to the pandemic, the role of the CMO (Chief Marketing Officer) has also undergone a transformation, as they should analyze and predict customer intentions even more accurately. According to Gartner research, 32% of CMOs rank customer experience among the top three priorities for the success of B2B brands. That is why it is so important to reconsider customer touchpoints, experiences, and paths to purchase.


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