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For a more precise search and

For a more precise search and Collect information about the companies on the list (from open directories, on the Internet, in mapping services). Depending on what services you provide, you may need the following information:

contact details;

  • number of employees, size of property;
  • information about the financial situation of the company;
  • addresses of offices and representative offices.

Let’s say, for example, you need al phone number list l cleaning services in Novosibirsk. Then contact the Yandex search engine with the necessary request.

 a larger list of reference books in the results, enter your query in quotation marks.

Companies that were not initially included in the primary list should not be dismissed immediately, they may become your clients in the future. At this stage, you determine the most effective areas for work in order to immediately get specific results.

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Assess the prospects for cooperation

First, predict how promising cooperation with a particular client might be.

Take information from open sources (Internet, press releases, news sites). Look at what companies focus on in their development, maybe some areas are being curtailed altogether. All this will give a general picture of the state of affairs in the organization.

Even if business is going well, it is not a fact that the overall reach of a marketing campaign  the company will want to cooperate with you.

Assess whether there are any signs that indicate that your product or service is needed there.


For example, your area of ​​activity is legal

ervices for securities transactions. This means that you should look for clients among financially stable organizations (so that they have the funds to pay for your services) that own such assets (in securities). And if you are promoting startups, then your clients are young firms that are just entering the market.

Immediately try to identify companies that are best not to deal with.

If, for example, you service real estate, and the organization gets rid of assets, then your services will not be needed for a long time. Or at the initial stage you are interested in quickly signing a contract, but in a large company approval can take at least a year. Then such cooperation will be risky for you.

Keep in mind that in B2B you may be dealing with a large business, but the decision maker is one specific person (or a small group of people).

And you need to deal with him (them), having first understood the general goals of the business and the priorities of each decision maker. Therefore, an important parameter here will also be the question of whether it will be easy for you to reach agreements.

Fill the database to the maximum

So, you have discarded the unpromisin g numbers lists  clients, now fill the primary database with information. The greatest attention is given to the most promising clients. Here is the information that will be useful here:

  • name of the company, its legal status;
  • Full names of decision makers, their goals (if this is important to you);
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