Next you will need to prepare Where to get data:on the organization’s website;in old databases;in mapping servicesin general directories of operating companiesUnfortunately, it is not possible to collect all of this automatically.
Of course, client bases are sold oZnlin
but you are buying a “pig in a poke” there. And country email list filling the base manually can take weeks (if the potential market suitable for you is quite large). You can use business directories, there are filters (by one or another formal criteria), by installing which you will collect data on companies to fill your client base.
a targeted offer for each potential buyer, and here it is important to have an idea of the internal organization of processes in a particular company. Therefore, the database should include parameters of exactly those aspects that are important directly for you, as a supplier of a specific service (product).
Prepare a unique selling proposition
In a unique selling proposition (USP), present your product in such a way that it is immediately clear that this is the solution to the client’s problem.
As a result, you should identify product parameters that are valuable to the customer, but that competitors do not have.It may turn out that your product has no advantages over its analogue.It is possible that the only way out will seem to be a price reduction.However, do not rush to engage in dumping; it is better to focus on the quality of service.
This way, you will maintain the volume
of income and prevent the outflow of customers just one or two influencers he first thing that can be done here (as part of improving the quality of service) is to automate the accounting of incoming applications and requests, so that nothing gets lost and deadlines are not violated.
Work on improving service parameters. For example, increase the response speed to requests (SLA), have qualified specialists in popular areas on staff, implement options that make the entire process of interaction with the client more transparent.
Reflect all your unique parameters in the
USP as much as possible, and compose all formulations taking into account the needs of future customers.
Here it is important to describe precisely why the client should buy from you. And do not just address some business in general, but the decision maker personally.
At the end of the preparatory stage, you have a ready-
made working promotion strategy. The principle of action in retail sales is numbers lists not particularly different, here you just need characteristics.