How to remove the Facebook Business Manager pixel

Amazon Prime is one of the streaming platforms, where we can watch movies and series, most popular today. Without a doubt, the ecommerce giant has known how to bet on a highly profitable line of business. However, the user has found a point of weakness that he does not like too much… And the platform restricts access to certain content depending on the location from where you try to play it. There’s a solution? The truth is that yes. How to remove Next, we will talk about Amazon Prime VPN. A VPN is a virtual private network or Virtual Private Network. 

But the downside

Is that some are restricted to certain locations. The VPN can bypass this block by connecting to a server located in another country. This allows the user to Betting Email List access the entire content without limits. However, it is not all good news. Amazon has a fairly effective VPN blocking system. And, therefore, using a VPN for Amazon Prime Video is not always successful. Here you can find a selection of those that are working today. Even so, below you will find a list of the most relevant ones. Why doesn’t Amazon Prime let you watch all the movies? The main reason for this blockage is the agreements and licenses that Amazon has with producers and studios. 

How to remove Amazon

Is that some are restricted to certain locations. The VPN can bypass this block by connecting to a server located in another country. This allows the user to Betting Email List access the entire content without limits. However, it is not all good news. Amazon has a fairly effective VPN blocking system. And, therefore, using a VPN for Amazon Prime Video is not always successful. Here you can find a selection of those that are working today. Even so, below you will find a list of the most relevant ones. Why doesn’t Amazon Prime let you watch all the movies? The main reason for this blockage is the agreements and licenses that Amazon has with producers and studios. 

Screamloots the automated Halloween campaign that generated +30K in revenue

A week in advance, the date was put on the table: Halloween. The initial idea responded to a specific objective: impact. Remember to emphasize the o and be careful with the p, which tends to spit . Impact . It’s not that we had too many expectations either. We had to do something, yes. But hey, let’s not mess around… What can we get? We smile at the same time, 200 km away, prepared for the typical “storm of ideation”. What do we do? How do we set it up? 4 hours later everything was ready. As they say, we could die in peace that Halloween was coming out .

The idea: release discount coupons throughout the day

The idea as such was very simple , even to execute manually: we had a lot of discount coupons that we wanted to release throughout the category email list day through publications on social networks. The coupons would be limited to a few uses so anyone who wanted to redeem them would have to hurry before other people took them away. We strengthened the feeling of scarcity and urgency a little. But, as Vicent pointed out, leaving it there was a bit boring . We wanted a little more fun, we wanted a little mystery, we wanted trick or treating. So we thought it would be fun to release coupons with different discount percentages as well as fake coupons. That is, coupons that did not work. Which one would work? Quite a mystery.

How to automate the release of coupons: the synergy between tools and the economy of time

Although we accept that there are many points where we cannot achieve it, if there is something that we do not like at all, it is the loss of control. Leave things to chance. Throughout my experience I have understood that the best time to finish the tasks related to an idea is right at the moment Executive List when that idea is flowing in your heart. When you feel the excitement of what you are thinking running through your veins… And I have also understood that it is very easy for the planets to align to hump you, condition you or make it difficult for you to execute an idea, no matter how simple it may seem .