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An effective digital marketing strategy step by step

Together with the lecturer of the “Digital Marketing Manager” course, Jacek Major, we learn about the stages of an effective. The digital strategy and prepare a good digital marketing action plan.

Natalia Roś, a journalist from Laba

Strategy is nothing more than a meticulous consideration of what we have now and the creation of a plan for the near future, with a clearly defined goal. Company budgets for digital media already exceeded budgets for ATL or BTL media 7 years ago in the USA. We can also observe a similar trend in Poland, and the pandemic has only accelerated this direction of development. Therefore, together with Jacek Major, Director. The of the Digital and E-commerce Department at UNIQA Polska, we will analyze. The three stages of creating an effective digital marketing strategy. We will also consider how to approach AS IS analysis, setting goals and translating them into operational KPIs.

#1. AS IS Analysis

At this stage of strategy building bahrain telephone number data we analyze the level of our digital advancement and the market environment we are in. The following questions should be answered:

  • What does our company’s environment look like in the digital world?

  • What level of digital transformation is our company at?

  • How do customers perceive our industry and product/service category, and how do they perceive other brands?

  • How do customers meet their needs in digital?

  • What of what is happening around our brand is currently happening on the Internet and what should happen?

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AS IS analysis is nothing more than a reliable. The analysis of the state of your own business and answering the question of how digitally developed you are . At this stage, it is worth checking the quality and quantity. The of traffic on your own www platforms, comparing yourself to the competition, looking at conversions. The and, very importantly, customer and platform user feedback. This means first looking at . Thewhat is happening in Google Analytics: what works and what does not, whether we really have an influx of leads in places where we expect it. Of course, at the very beginning of your adventure with digital marketing, we do not immediately know what works and what . Thedoes not, but you can start by tracking the main user paths.

What does this look like in practice?

  1. We start by analyzing the traffic on our website , where users come from (search engine, direct, mailing, social media, etc.) and how they behave. Do they leave our site immediately? What percentage does that mean? Do they go to service pages or use the internal search engine? What percentage of users go to product subpages?

  2. In the next step, it is worth taking a look at

  3. what the competition is doing and how it operates digitally . Of course, we do not always have money for industry reports that provide . The information, for example in latvia, google searches about inflation have increased by 350% on advertising expenditure. However, in digital marketing, we can use very simple tools, i.e. analysis of available competition platforms. We analyze tone of voice, what is paid attention to in communication, which. The products are being promoted at a given moment, how brands communicate their credibility on the . The market, in which channels they are available, whether and what message individual brands send to their recipients. A simple table can be used for this, in which we will mark how. The the competition is doing in these areas, and a comparison with the needs and concerns of customers known to us.

At the AS IS analysis stage, we also look at how we manage data in the company. Do we have a central data repository? When creating campaigns, do we. The operate in the system on an ongoing basis or do we have to wait a long time for databases to be generated before each campaign? How well are the databases connected. The to MarTech tools, etc.? When . Thewe answer these questions, we will be. The able to determine how well we manage data, and this is important information for marketing managers. The in today’s world.

During the AS IS analysis, the support of a digital analyst will be helpful. If there is no such person in the company, it may mean that the organization. The has so far made little use of data, has learned little about its recipients from it, and as a result – has not. The optimized its activities based on what it observes in the digital world.

How to translate company goals into digital goals?

#2. The TO BE situation

This is nothing more guinea lists than defining the process of how we are to achieve the strategic goal presented above within 12 or 24 months .

  1. At this stage, we first write down our digital goals into KPIs. For example, if we are to increase revenue by 5%, then we should have, assuming. The the product proportions in a given company, e.g. 150 more leads from online per month. Along with generating more leads, we should plan a change in conversion by e.g. 0.5 percentage points, which is another KPI. Of course, there may be even more KPIs that are valuable to us, because before collecting leads and before the sale itself, we can also focus. The on website traffic (e.g. we want to increase traffic from the search engine channel by 10%). We should then write down all KPIs to the teams that will. The deal with them – who will run campaigns and generate leads, who will deal with service and conversion, who will. The cooperate with the brand team, etc.

  2. At the stage of describing the TO BE situation, we also consider the operational tasks of the digital marketing strategy, i.e. we take into . The account what kind of team we need (whether we should also cooperate with lawyers or the IT department) . Thewhat budgets should be taken into account, what schedule of activities is worth following.

  3. The third element of creating a. The TO BE situation is an attempt to answer the questions: to whom, what and how we say (WHO, WHAT, HOW in individual campaigns), i.e. we consider how we act so that our efforts. The translate into KPIs in individual channels.

How to work with communication channels?

Own media

In the operational part, it is also worth considering and – first of all – properly constructing the so-called owned media, i.e. our own. The communication channels, such as a website, social media and our SEO position. We analyze how it works for us, i.e. we look at who, how and where gets from unpaid communication to internal databases. Let’s also remember that in order to build the foundations of SEO and achieve real results in this area, we will need 6-12 months. And this is where we need to start, i.e. focus on. The the meticulous optimization of our own www platforms (service, LP, self-services), content. The marketing, searching for appropriate referrals, etc. Only then can. The we start setting up other, paid media. Let’s remember that usually as much as 70% of traffic is organic.

Paid media

Moving on to paid media, we need to consider . Thewhether we focus. The more on reach and awareness or are we more interested in performance, i.e. efficiency-based activities that lead to sales. The key here is to maintain the right proportions between these two types of activities. This may look different for each product, service or business phase. If we are introducing a product to the market, we start by building awareness and only then focus on efficiency.

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