Discover SERP features in your niche Another good thing about CPC Map is that you can check the average search volume in your niche at a local level, and thus better understand the demand for your services in a particular area.
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In addition to organic Discover SERP features in your niche results
Google pages can contain other variations of content, such as SERP features. These features are special elements that add more information and context than standard results. For example, one of the most coveted SERP features is the Featured Snippet . This is a special type of search result designed to answer user questions. A snippet is buy phone number list displayed in a box above the organic results, giving your page greater visibility and reinforcing your authority as an expert in your field, which can drive significant traffic to your site. Typically, featured snippets represent an opportunity for pages that rank in positions 1-5.
To learn about other popular features
The bottom line is that if you don’t map out the relevant SERP features for your website, you could be missing out on a great opportunity to occupy SERP space. Even if your site ranks in paid search results, it’s worth trying to gain these coveted features, which can help you improve your SERP visibility and increase your credibility.
If you want to know what the SERPs look like sandy kurtz vice president in your industry, you can use the Keyword Magic tool to find keywords related to your niche that trigger SERP features and research your competition . Enter your root keyword to get a comprehensive list of all related terms. For each term, you’ll receive a wealth of information, including the types of features that appear in search results for a particular keyword. Use the filters to narrow your search and sort by keywords that trigger specific SERP features.
If you’re looking for a Featured Snippe
keep in mind that they appear to answer specific questions asked by users. Within the tool, you can modify your search with the “Question” button fax marketing tofilter keywords in the form of a question.
Once you’ve compiled your list of keywords that trigger the SERP features you want, you can submit them to Keyword Analyzer, update your metrics, and then click “Top Competitors” to see the top search results for a given keyword. Dig deeper to get the latest data on keyword difficulty and your competitors before making your final decision on which keywords to use.