How Does the Process of Becoming Macai Begin

A person’s reading and reading begins as simply as this:

— we vote for the winning party and we feel part of the [power network] of the government.

So when the other side sneers, mocks and criticizes the government, we suddenly get offended.

Our hearts feel hot, and we easily jump to defend the [government] party.

We should only vote for change and always monitor the progress of the government to ensure that the change is implemented; not to be read.

But it often doesn’t happen that way because we feel like we are “part” of the power chain!

Whereas the people after casting their votes their job should be to oversee the power

Monitoring means being careful, always alert and suspicious Latest Mailing Database of government leaders’ movements.

Because in their hands there is a trust that we convey through our votes. But it is not like that.

Voters cannot “distance themselves” from power because of the victory or because they agree with the policy [manifesto] of the government or because they like a certain government leader.

Voters, originally ordinary people who vote, “embrace” power [like embracing religion] and “personalize” that element of power [like a part of our family].1

How we feel when our parents are insulted or our siblings are despised.

How we feel if our religious beliefs are teased.

Such is the power of dressing a person; turning voters, ordinary citizens, into agents of unofficial power.

Even though we are not party members or close to party activists or children of party activists

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We are just ordinary voters but “possessed” by that element of power.

Magical, really odd.

In the past, BN supporters experienced this Executive List psychology, now PH supporters adhere to it.

If we support PAS, we suddenly feel that Kuala Terengganu is ruled by “us”.

If we support PH, the feeling of “we own” Putrajaya and Dataran Merdeka will begin to grow.

Suddenly it appeared…


This article was copied by a Facebook user, Fathi Aris Omar. I’m just copypasting here since it’s so dense and deep.

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