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How to develop a content strategy for the customer journey


The content marketing strategy for the customer journey is one of the most important keys to getting the consumer to buy your product. But before delving into content strategies for the customer journey, you need to be clear about this concept.

What is the Customer Journey? These are the previous phases that the potential consumer goes through until making the purchase of your product or service. The following factors play a role in this purchasing process:

On the one hand, there is observing the behavior of consumer psychology to detect what their interests and purchasing barriers are.
On the other hand, there is the knowledge of the Buyer How to Persona profile . This part will help you a lot when it comes to identifying what interests you the most in order to apply the most appropriate content strategies for the customer journey.

Monitor and map to create good content

Content based on product rotation and involvement
Funnel and Customer Journey phases of the purchasing process
4 stages of a content strategy for the customer journey
1.- First phase Report
2.- Second phase Argue
3.- Third phase Relevant content
4.- Fourth phase Contents aimed at the purchase action
Know your buyer persona
Content that rewards and singapore telegram phone number list encourages purchasing
Contents in retention and recommendation phases
Monitor and map to create good content
Another important element of content strategies for the customer journey is knowing where the customer has previously been in the online world. Knowing which websites they have visited, comparisons and social networks will give you a better idea of ​​what type of content to offer and which channel is best suited for it .

During the customer journey, the future buyer learns about your product or service. He or she also compares the information and opinions with other users. He or she also actively researches and documents himself or herself to reach the conclusion that choosing and purchasing your product is the one that best suits his or her needs.

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Content based on product rotation and involvement

Understanding all these phases allows you to know what problems the podcast advertising is more about quality than quantity Buyer Persona has and how you can help solve them. The Customer Journey can be shorter or longer depending on the type of product to be purchased. If it is a high-turnover, low-involvement product, the steps for the product purchase process of the Customer Journey will happen very quickly.

In the case of the acquisition of a high-involvement, low-turnover bh leads product, such as a car, the steps of the Customer Journey will be extended over time. A longer or shorter process will result in a different content strategy for the Customer Journey.

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