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Identify the best performing content

Identify the best performing content To find out which posts performed best on a particular social network, review the “Top Content” report. You can get more details about posts by selecting a specific social network and clicking “View all posts.”

You then access the list of the most engaging publications (all profiles combined or for a particular profile):

Above, for example, you can see all profiles at a glance; but by selecting a specific profile, you can learn even more about your competitors’ winning content strategies.

Don’t hesitate to target specific sales periods of the job function email database year (Easter, Christmas, etc.) so you never miss out on their opportunities again…

Keep an eye out for Identify the best performing content promotional offers

As you browse your posts, pay attention to your competitors’ promotions to assess their performance. Keywords, images, messages… How did they generate so much engagement? This information will certainly give you ideas for improving your sandy kurtz vice president business strategy: why not partner with a charity, offer discount codes, or even sign an agreement with another supplier to exchange your promotional vouchers?

Track your competitors’ audience

Some of them will target several social networks, others will focus their efforts on just one… You need to know exactly which ones they use, and know their publication frequency, their types of content, as well as the evolution of their monthly audience.

To do this, it’s very simple: you can switch between the different social network tabs, and access the “Audience” analysis section available in each tab:


Once you’ve identified the leader on each social network

it’s up to you to discover the frequency and nature of their posts… Information that can inspire your own social media strategy.

Then go back to the Social Media fax marketing Tracker  and add these domains to your campaign in the “Manage Competitors” section in the top right corner of the page:

To get a general idea of ​​each company’s audience size, activity, and participation over a given period, check out the “Overview” report:

You can also switch between domains to analyze your competitors.

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