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Make the CPA appear in the Keyword Planner

You’ll be prompted to enter keywords or upload a file. My advice : Enter as many relevant keywords as possible related to a product or service category. The more comprehensive your list, the more reliable the data will be.

The new screen displays numbers. You can bring up the graph by clicking the gray arrow in the top right corner of the frame.



By hovering over the curve, you can see the following changes:

  • The max. CPC (Cost Per Click),
  • The number of clicks,
  • The cost.



The higher the maximum CPC, the higher special lead the cost. But so does the number of clicks.

At this stage, you have a preliminary idea of ​​what budget is needed to obtain a certain number of clicks. But to determine your optimal budget, you need to integrate a new metric: the conversion rate.

Earlier you defined your target CPA: the maximum amount you are willing to spend to acquire a new customer with Google Ads.

You can display the CPA in the Keyword Planner and see it evolve according to the chosen budget.

To do this, click on ” Add conversion statistics”

You will then be prompted serena buscone phd student to enter a conversion rate .



The conversion rate is the proportion of Internet users who have taken an action that you consider important: a purchase, filling out a form, downloading a document, making a call, etc.

If Google Analytics is set up correctly and you have sufficient historical data, you can obtain this statistic for your website. Otherwise, you’ll have to settle for an estimate. Below, you’ll find a benchmark performed by Wordstream .



According to this study, an e-commerce site records fax marketing an average conversion rate of 2.69% on the Google Ads (formerly AdWords) Search Network. In our case, we’ll include this statistic in the Keyword Planner.

Once you enter a conversion rate, the CPA appears

You can select the statistic to view it as a graph:



Remember, Quentin: his maximum CPA is €10.50. Above, with an average CPA of €9.35, he could capture 36 news items  for a daily budget of €17 in 20 days. Here’s a first idea of ​​a budget for Quentin.

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