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Some representatives of our market calculate the cost of a site

Site price

There is the same problem here as in the branding market, which we wrote about earlier. For the same service, performers can set completely different prices. A studio can name one price, a freelancer another, and top guys from the capitals a third. The question of how much a site costs is aggravated by the fact that there are dozens of varieties of these sites, as well as the possibilities for their implementation. Have you searched Google or Yandex for a site price? Read on to find out what the pricing for website development is made up of.

Website price.

Site type

Let’s look at the main types of sites 1000 mobile phone numbers database so that it will be easier for you to navigate how much a site costs.

  • A business card is the cheapest and fastest option to develop. A business card site is a mini-representation of a company or product on the Internet. A small number of blocks on the main page and 1-2 sections maximum. Let this option cost X (x)
  • Landing – a landing page or a one-page site is usually created to sell services or goods. All information on such a site is located on one page and can have quite a few semantic blocks. Usually this type of site costs 2X or 3X
  • A corporate website is a website completely dedicated to the company, the website you are on is a prime example of such a website. Multi-block main page, more than 3 sections with a viewing depth of up to 3-4 pages. This type of website costs 3X or 4X
  • Online store — a site with a catalog, shopping cart, personal account, product categories, cards, etc. This site usually contains more than 20 product items. This type of site costs from 3X to 6X depending on the functionality.


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1000 mobile phone numbers database

Let’s move on to possible implementation options. For ease of understanding, we will consider the cost of a business card site in the author’s solution as X

  • Constructor. Such sites are created on constructors, the main advantage is that the speed and cost of development are several times less than what we call an author’s solution. Let’s take the price. The cost of such a site is usually 0.5X or 0.75X
  • Template. Such a site is reproduced using a template created by another developer. If you do not count the cost of purchasing such a template (sometimes you can even find free options), then the cost of such a solution is 0.4X – 0.6X
  • Author’s solution. This solution is completely reproduced from scratch from start to finish. Design, layout, binding to CMS. As we said earlier, such development costs X

Functionality. Basic and additional

The site can be supplemented with various functionality. Pulling the design and layout onto the content management system digital marketing in 2032: what do industry leaders predict? sending applications, integrating with CRM, embedding social network widgets, CallBack services, Online chats, and so on. All this affects the price of the site.

Number of pages

including by the number of unique pages. Quite logical, isn’t it? The more unique pages, the more work.

Who does it?

As with the logo, the branding aspect certainly influences the price. The more famous the manufacturer cpa email list the higher the price. For some guys you have to overpay up to 10 times the actual cost of the product.


So, we have already determined that the price of a website depends on many factors. But know that a good website always costs a lot of money if it is not develop to spare. Read our article “why a good website is expensive” to understand why.

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