How to apply and what precautions to take

How to apply  sign up to see our patients intravenous route audio player 00:00 00:00. Use the up or down arrows to increase or decrease the volume. The administration of intravenous drugs stands out due to the rapidity of the impact caused by the drugs. Injected directly into the bloodstream, the compounds are soon distributed throughout the body, triggering a systemic effect . Hence the importance of this route in action in the face of emergencies, in addition to the possibility of strict control in the distribution of substances to hospitalized patients. Want to deepen your knowledge on the topic? Then this text is for you. I bring a complete overview of intravenous administration in the next topics, including application tips, care and advantages . Read until the end to also discover how telemedicine helps in choosing the route of administration. What is an intravenous route?

Intravenous route is one that allows

Access of a drug or other solution to the body through direct injection into a vein . To do so, it is necessary to perform a How to apply  venipuncture and use a long needle, capable of penetrating the subcutaneous and muscular tissues to reach the blood vessel. Intravenous access is useful for both single-dose administration of a compound and continuous administration. When South Korea Phone Numbers List the technique is used for a single dose, the effect is fast, as well as its duration. This is the case of drugs used to reverse critical conditions and stabilize the patient during pre-hospital care or in the Intensive Care Unit ( ICU ). Once the drug produces the desired result, it is up to the medical team to decide whether the patient needs more doses. Depending on the case, there is a need for continuous infusion to prolong the effect of the drug.

This technique requires the insertion

How to apply  Catheter through peripheral or deep venous access. I return to this subject in the following lines. What is the difference between intravenous and intravenous route? In fact, the terms are synonymous , as both describe the application of a compound directly into a patient’s vein. That is, there Executive List is no real difference between intravenous and intravenous routes. What naturally exists is confusion due to the number of words and expressions used in the vocabulary of the health area. And, of course, a distinct etymology for the words, coming from their source languages. In this context, it is worth mentioning this analysis of medical expressions , which states that the most correct would be to use the intravenous route or the endophlebic route, clarifying the following: “ Endovenous is a defective term because hybrid . that is, formed from elements of different languages: endo comes from the Greek (endon, inside) and venoso from the Latin (venosus). Hybridity is a condition censured by good linguists.

What are the types of specialization for nursing technicians

What are the types below is a summary of the main specializations available to the nursing technician. According to the Federal Council of Nursing (Cofen). The technician must register his certificate of specialization in the Coren of his jurisdiction. And the courses must have a minimum duration of 300 hours . Specialization course in nephrology for nursing technicians. Care for patients undergoing hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis are the focus of this training . It includes hygiene practices, comfort and techniques for using the machines that filter blood. ICU specialization course for nursing technicians. Assistance to critically ill patients is the target of training aimed at Intensive Care Nursing . Topics such as monitoring , changing the patient’s position and dressings are addressed.  With an emphasis on different audiences. Adult critical patient care Pediatric critical patient care Care of the critical cardiac.

Patient Care of the neonatal critical patient

The latter focuses on specialization in neonatal ICU for nursing technicians. Specialization course in surgical center for nursing technicians. It can be offered in the modalities of surgical instrumentation for nursing technicians.  Center for Material and Sterilization. This training disseminates good practices in the preparation of the surgical Saudi Arabia Mobile Number List environment. Such as asepsis and sterilization of the instruments used to avoid contamination. Specialization course in urgency and emergency for nursing technicians. Routines that are part of pre-hospital care (APH) are addressed during theoretical. Practical classes. Trauma and other serious events. Specialization course in collective health for nursing technicians Emergency care centers and units are. Workplaces for those who choose to specialize in collective health.

The training addresses basic care

What are the types nursing of women’s health Child and adolescent health nursing.  Health Indigenous health nursing Environmental health nursing Elderly nursing. The latter focuses on specialization in geriatrics for Executive List nursing technicians . Specialization course in Occupational Health for nursing technicians. Those who decide to follow this path can work in occupational health clinics or within companies. Integrating the Specialized Service in Safety Engineering and Occupational Medicine. Working at SESMT. The technician must provide assistance in the event of accidents at work and other occurrences. Establishes four variations for this specialization. Occupational Hygiene Nursing work Worker’s Health Assistance Offshore Nursing.



By Dr. José Aldair Morsch, February 7, 2023 Patients – 24h on call. Prescription renewal, Teleconsultation Doctors – Sign up to see our patients subcutaneous route audio player. Use the up or down arrows to increase or decrease the volume. Insulin , : “The extensive network of capillaries enables the gradual absorption of the drug and guarantees the pharmacokinetic profile”. Another benefit is the relative ease of application , which allows subcutaneous injection of substances by caregivers or even patients. This possibility simplifies the use of medications such as insulin, which needs to be administered frequently in diabetic people. Finally, the subcutaneous route also serves as an alternative for patients with difficult access to the intravenous route , such as the elderly and babies. In these cases, there is also usually difficulty medicating the patient orally, which reinforces the importance of the SC route for various treatments. Among the disadvantages.

It is worth mentioning

The need for training and care to carry out this invasive procedure safely. After all, it is necessary to perform asepsis and use sterile materials to avoid contamination , as well as to perform firm movements to  reduce pain during the application of drugs. There is also a risk of tissue sensitization and lipodystrophy . What are the subcutaneous application sites? The New Zealand Phone Numbers List rotation between the application sites is fundamental for an effective absorption of the drug, in addition to avoiding the sensitization of the areas. The most common regions for subcutaneous application are: Upper outer arm areas abdomen front of thighs Upper back region. Also be aware of medications that should not be administered subcutaneously, as explained below. Which drugs are incompatible with the subcutaneous route? There are incompatible drugs, such as those mentioned in this study on the subcutaneous route for palliative.

According to the authors diazepam

Phenytoin and chlorpromazine should not be administered SC, due to the risk of tissue necrosis. Diclofenac and undiluted electrolytes are also contraindicated . How to administer drugs subcutaneously? Start by Executive List checking that the drug is diluted in water – a necessary step for most subcutaneously injected drugs . There are exceptions for ketamine, octreotide and ondansetron, which must be diluted in 0.9% saline. See an example described in the aforementioned manual of the Ministry of Health for administering drugs via SC: Check the necessary materials , such as solution prepared to be installed, equipment with doser (ml/hour), antiseptic solution, gauze, procedure glove, scalps 25, 27, 23 (butterfly type), syringes, transparent film to fix. Afterwards, proceed to the installation of the hypodermoclysis : Explain to the patient about the procedure Choose the infusion site Perform antisepsis and skin folding Insert the scalp at an angle.

In home care for guidance on nursing procedures

Know all the advantages of telemedicine for your team . Conclusion Throughout the text. I dealt with the importance, structure and how to make the nursing prescription . You can count on the support of the Telemedicine platform to organize this and the other stages of the nursing process. Qualifying patient care. Did you like the content. So share with your contacts. Enjoy and see more articles about telemedicine on our blog .  Cardiologist Physician graduated from FAMED. FURG – Fundação Universidade do Rio Grande – RS in 1993 – CRM RS 20142. Internal Medicine and Cardiologist from PUCRS – RQE 11133. Post-graduation in Echocardiography and Pediatric Cardiology from PUCRS. Linkedin Previous PREVIOUS ARTICLE Alprazolam Prescription. How to Get and Renew Your Prescription Next NEXT ARTICLE ICD R42 – Dizziness and instabilit .

However training and the use

The correct technique are required to achieve this impact safely, minimizing risks. Such as changes in the body fat pattern (lipodystrophy). Learn more about the peculiarities of the subcutaneous route, application sites, volumes and compatible substances in the next lines. Read Netherlands Phone Numbers List until the end to understand how telemedicine helps in choosing the route of administration and in other nursing care. What is the subcutaneous route? Subcutaneous route is one that allows the injection of a drug directly into the subcutaneous tissue . As the name suggests, this tissue lies below the surface layer of the skin (the dermis) and above the muscle tissue. The subcutaneous route is part of the group of parenteral routes for drug administration – formed by drugs injected into different tissues. The main ejectable means for health care are classified into: Intradermal (ID) route : located between.

Anticoagulants and hormones are

Examples of medications applied subcutaneously . Generally, it is used for the continuous release of small amounts of drugs, resulting in a systemic and constant effect. dermis and epidermis Subcutaneous (SC) : layer beneath the skin Intramuscular (IM) route : stretch Executive List below the subcutaneous tissue, which is less sensitive to medications Intravenous (IV) route: injects drugs into the bloodstream. Below is a list of the main drugs administered SC , according to this Ministry of Health manual on subcutaneous therapy: heparin Insulin Clonidine Chlorpromazine Dexamethasone n-butylsco polamine bromide Phenobarbital Fentanyl Furosemide Haloperidol Ketamine metoclopramide Methadone Midazolam morphine sulfate Promethazine Octreotide Ondansetron Ranitidine Tramadol. Choosing the subcutaneous route has advantages and disadvantages, as explained below. Advantages and disadvantages of the subcutaneous route The most obvious advantage of this route is the slow, uniform and continuous absorption of drugs, as described in this presentation.

That is starting with the history collecting

Data during the interview and physical examination of the patient in consultation . With this information in hand. The nurse can move on to the second phase of the process, establishing the nursing diagnosis . Based on data interpretation, this stage describes the evolution of the health condition. Risks, patient disposition, among other observations. Only then does the professional proceed to the nursing. Prescription, creating a written plan with the recommended actions and interventions. Actions are initiatives applied intentionally. Aiming at the well-being of the patient. While interventions are reactions to the nursing diagnosis. They also have the purpose of preserving or recovering the client’s health. Once the planning is written down and disclosed to the nursing team, it is time to put the guidelines into practice. This is the implementation phase. Which should also be recorded in places like the digital patient record to facilitate aftercare. Nursing prescription example The structure.

For a complete nursing prescription

Must answer the following questions, in a simple and summarized way. What to do?Who is the responsible professional (nurse / nursing technician, etc.)? How long to do or how much to do? To give an idea of ​​this guideline , I bring an example published in this Nursing Care Systematization Protocol of the City Malaysia Phone Number List Hall of Rio Verde/GO: “Change the dressing of the central access in the right subclavian every 24 hours (10:00 am), and whenever it is dirty, wet or loose. Clean the area with degerming chlorhexidine and remove with 0.9% saline solution. Apply the dressing with gauze and sterile gloves/tweezers, dry and occlude with gauze and micropore. Write down the date of the puncture and the date of the dressing on the dressing performed and sign. If you detect phlogistic signs (pain, edema, heat, redness or dysfunction), ask for.

Medical evaluation guidance

Nursing The objective of the nursing prescription is to standardize the orientation to the health teams, qualifying the care How does telemedicine work in nursing? Telemedicine is an innovative discipline that has been breaking the geographic barrier to expand access to health services . Its scope goes beyond medical procedures, as telemedicine systems Executive List collaborate to digitize documents and optimize nursing care. As I mentioned before, each step of the process can be recorded in the patient’s electronic medical record , a complete software that stores data in the cloud (internet). There, the information is available only to authorized persons, being protected by authentication and encryption mechanisms. Morsch’s telemedicine platform also provides search and data crossing tools , making it easy to confirm whether the patient has allergies, comorbidities and which treatment is being followed. Other advantages of our software are: Teleconsultationnursing directly with.


By Dr. José Aldair Morsch, February 10, 2023 Patients – 24h on call, Prescription renewal. Teleconsultation Doctors – Sign up to see our patients nursing prescription audio player. Use the up or down arrows to increase or decrease the volume. The nursing prescription is an indispensable. Act for the smooth running of the nursing process. Along with other systematized steps. The prescription helps to achieve the expected result with direct patient care, which can be recovery, autonomy and self-care. Hence the importance of the topic not only for the nursing team , but also for other health professionals and managers. Keep reading to check out the main concepts, types and examples of nursing prescriptions to apply in your routine. In addition to the contribution of technological tools such as the telemedicine platform to optimize the nursing process. What is nursing prescription.

Nursing prescription is the stage

The nursing process that focuses on recommended actions for successful patient care . In her article “Systematization of Nursing Care”, Vera Lúcia Regina Maria defines nursing prescription as: “The set of nursing care (interventions and actions) planned and implemented in a given period of time, based on diagnoses and collaborative nursing problems. This step Japan Phone Number List includes Nursing Outcomes and Care Planning, exclusive to nurses, and Implementation of planned care, which is the responsibility of nurses, technicians  and assistants.” Remembering that the nursing process serves to organize and standardize health care , qualifying nursing care in establishments of all sizes. According to the Cofen Resolution 358/2009 , the nursing process is divided into five interrelated, interdependent and recurrent steps: Nursing Data Collection (or Nursing History) Nursing Diagnosis Nursing Planning Implementation Nursing Assessment. In this context, the prescription is based on the history.

Corresponding to a combination of nursing

Planning and implementation of interventions. What are the types of nursing prescription? Generally, the nursing prescription follows a basic model or structure, regardless of its classification. After all, one of its objectives is to standardize guidance to health teams, in order to qualify the nursing care offered to the patient. Considering the nursing prescription Executive List elaboration dynamics, we can mention three distinct modalities, which I comment below. Dependent Prescription It describes the guidance and activity that follows a medical request , but requires nursing judgment or decision-making. Independent Prescription It is prepared by the nurse and implemented directly by the nursing team , without the need for medical collaboration. In this case, the planned activities are capable of solving one or more of the patient’s problems. Interdependent Prescribing It has a collaborative character, being built and carried out with the participation of several members of the health.

About two thirds of patients with

Show improvement when placed in the prone position for a few hours. This results from improved ventilation. Which reduces mortality from ARDS in the ICU. The prone position can also provide greater breathing comfort. By relieving pressure on the posterior area of ​​the lungs . What are the contraindications of the prone position. According to the aforementioned review article. Published in the Jornal Brasileiro de Pneumologia . The maneuver is contraindicated in case of: Burn or wounds on. The face or underside of the body Instability of the spine intracranial hypertension severe arrhythmias Severe hypotension. The presence of dialysis catheters and chest drains does not contraindicate the prone position, but calls for caution in their use. Nursing care in the prone position The execution of the pronation technique requires four trained professionals . Before starting, they should verify that all accesses and catheters.

Are disconnected and that

The endotracheal tube is positioned 2 cm above the carina and securely fixed. With everything in order, one of the professionals should pay attention to the endotracheal tube and perform aspiration of the cannula, if necessary. Meanwhile, a colleague ensures that catheters, drains and connections are not subject to traction during movement. The other two Italy Phone Numbers List people should stay on each side of the bed, in order to turn the patient, starting with the lateral decubitus position. Then, they complete the technique so that the patient is in a prone position, with arms along the body and head to the side . Remembering that the saturation needs to be monitored at least one hour later, and the head must be turned to the other side every two hours. prone positioning The prone position helps improve arterial oxygenation through high fractions of inspired oxygen How does telemedicine help in pneumological.

Telemedicine helps technicians and

Nursing assistants with online training for pneumological tests such as spirometry. In this way, they do not need to invest time and money in travel to qualify for health care. Your clinic or hospital can also take advantage of the convenience of remote reports , available for both spirometry Executive List and imaging tests. Among them, chest X-ray , tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. Just perform the exams normally and share the records on the telemedicine platform for an on-call specialist to evaluate the findings. It details its interpretation and conclusion in the online report, digitally signed and released in minutes in the system. Know the advantages of having Morsch as a partner in your business! Conclusion In this article, I addressed the indications, contraindications and precautions in performing the prone position . If you have any questions or suggestions, leave a comment.

What Is It What Is It for and What Care Is Needed

Teleconsultation Doctors – Sign up to see our patients prone position audio player. Use the up or down arrows to increase or decrease the volume. The prone position is known for alleviating respiratory problems, including treating the critically ill. Hence the importance for doctors, nurses, technicians and nursing assistants to know their technique, especially if they work in the ICU . Thus, they can manage the patient correctly and achieve benefits such as a shorter recovery time. If the topic interests you, continue reading this text. From now on, I bring the definition, purpose and care when using pronation in health services. What is prone position? Prone position is a maneuver that places the patient lying on the ventral region , that is, face down. Also known as the prone.

This is the opposite position to

The supine position, which is more commonly used for bedridden patients. However, depending on the clinical condition of the patient, it is necessary to vary its positioning or even keep it in a certain position for most of the day. Therefore, the choice is between: Supine: the patient is lying on the back, with the anterior portion upwards Lateral decubitus : is Indian Phone Number List  characterized by a person lying on the left or right side of the body sims position: it is a variation of lateral decubitus, in which the leg that is placed on top of the other rests on a surface, with a slight flexion Fowler’s position: place the patient partially seated, so that the body is aligned with the bed or surgical table, with the knees slightly elevated and the head at an angle between 45° and 60°. It is also suitable for rest Trendelenburg.

Another variation of the supine position

But one that raises the lower body. The patient is fixed on the stretcher, which is raised to lower the headboard. Next, I bring more details about the medical indication of this position. What is the prone position used for? Among the main purposes is the relief of hypoxemia Executive List caused by Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) . According to a study published in the Revista Médica de Minas Gerais (RMMG), this is because: “Prone positioning exploits gravity and repositioning the heart in the chest to recruit the lung alveoli and improve ventilation/perfusion ratio and arterial oxygenation. The gravitational gradient of pleural pressure is reduced, transpulmonary pressures are more uniform, and alveolar recruitment can be achieved in atelectatic regions without harming regions that had already been recruited.” In this scenario, the pronation technique has been.

Without requiring responses right after

Sending the questions. In this context, courses via telehealth collaborate to empower students. Enabling their role in the learning process . Telehealth centers in Brazil. Throughout the text, I cited materials offered by some telehealth centers in different parts of Brazil. They work as multiplier points for digital health services. Working on four fronts: Teleconsulting: consists of clarifying issues related to. Health and clinical procedures. Questions are sent by different healthcare professionals and answered within 72 hours. Telediagnosis: is the remote interpretation and issuance of reports service, based on the records forwarded by different health units. They are evaluated by doctors specialized in the area of ​​the complementary exam. Tele-education : as I explained before, it brings together the contents, lectures, classes, workshops and forums that promote remote education for health professionals Formative Second Opinion : gathers qualified answers to clinical questions, based on bibliographic reviews and scientific.

The telehealth centers are part

National Telehealth Brazil Networks Program, made official in 2011 by the Federal Government to structure health actions via information and communication technologies. Currently, the cores of the initiative include: Telehealth AC Telehealth AL ( Intermunicipal Telehealth Center Arapiraca / AL) AL Telehealth (State Telehealth Nucleus of Alagoas) Telehealth AM Telehealth BA EC telehealth Telehealth ES Telehealth GO Telehealth Hong Kong Phone Numbers List MA Telehealth MG (State Telehealth Nucleus of Minas Gerais HC/UFMG) Telehealth MS Telehealth MT PA telehealth telehealth PB PE Telehealth ( Regional Indigenous Telehealth Nucleus ) PE Telehealth (State Telehealth Center of Pernambuco UFPE) Telehealth PR Telehealth RJ Telehealth RN Telehealth RR Telehealth RS Telehealth SC Telehealth SE Telehealth SP Telehealth TO. It is worth knowing more about telehealth in your state and the opportunities it generates. Conclusion Now that I have already presented several telehealth courses , you can select the ones that.

Most interest you and invest

Professional qualification. In addition to educational institutions in the public network, there are options in the private network and even companies that offer educational content. This is the case of Telemedicina Morsch , which offers a complete platform with refresher courses for conducting complementary exams. Our customers log in and can access Executive List training 24 hours a day , with all the comfort, in addition to optimizing the issuance of reports using our telediagnosis solution. Learn more about how telemedicine and the remote report work . Take the opportunity to read other articles about technology and health here on the blog. Dr Jose Aldair Morsch Dr Jose Aldair Morsch Cardiologist Physician graduated from FAMED – FURG – Fundação Universidade do Rio Grande – RS in 1993 – CRM RS 20142. Internal Medicine and Cardiologist from PUCRS – RQE 11133. Post-graduation.

However there are opportunities for professionals

Working in private health and undergraduate students. Online telehealth course. There are opportunities for professionals working in private health and also. Undergraduate students Are telehealth courses free? Generally, training is free. Since its purpose is to qualify health care, especially among SUS teams. However, it is important to consult the website of the educational institution of your choice to confirm if fees are charged before registering. At the end of classes, courses yield certificates to students, sometimes issued within the telehealth platform used. What are the benefits of telehealth for teaching? As I explained above, the use of telehealth in teaching gave rise to tele-education. In this scenario, we can observe a series of advantages for establishments, managers and health professionals . And even for patients, who take advantage of better quality and more humane services . See the top five benefits of combining telehealth and education below.

Democratization of health education

Innovative technologies allow geographically distant people to connect . In this way, they give access to the knowledge of specialists in different areas. It is something that, otherwise, would be restricted to the public with conditions to travel to urban centers. With the online communication option, barriers are broken and health education is promoted , reaching any Germany Mobile Number List   professional who is interested in the subject. The results are qualified medical teams and standardization of technical knowledge. 2. Greater capillarity Basically, students in telehealth courses only need broadband internet and a compatible device, which doesn’t even have to be a computer . Notebook, tablet or even smartphone are enough to follow classes, workshops and forums in a virtual environment, resulting in greater capillarity of telehealth centers. After all, it’s as if there were a unit in each city where people are studying through the available content. 3. Cost reduction This is one of the biggest advantages of distance.

This teaching modality does not require

Financial investment in public transport tickets, gasoline or amounts destined for travel to attend courses in other cities and states. This contributes to reach more professionals interested in improvement, since they do not need to pay for studies . 4. Flexibility of schedules Unlike face-to-face classes, distance education offers content recorded or saved on the Executive List platform, allowing it to be watched, listened to or read at any time of the day or night . This flexibility makes the difference, especially for professionals who face troubled routines like most health workers. The distance learning alternative makes it possible for everyone to organize their studies on the best days and times, which can even enhance the use of content. 5. Student empowerment In addition to deciding the best times, the student can follow their own pace of study , as long as they respect the.

Constructing an overview of distance training

Model in Primary Health Care for skin lesions Comprehensive Health Care. The line of care in Santa Catarina Comprehensive Oral. Health Care in Santa Catarina Comprehensive Care for the Person with. Diabetes Mellitusin Santa Catarina Training of Teleconsultants at the Telehealth Nucleus Comprehensive Care for. The Person with Systemic Arterial ertensionin Santa Catarina. See the complete list on the official website . Telehealth Courses UFMG Provided by the Telehealth Center of the Hospital das Clínicas. Federal University of Minas Gerais. The courses have a workload of between 5 and 20 hours. Its target audience includes physicians. Mursing professionals and health managers . Who can deepen their knowledge in several areas. Meet some of them: Global Burden of Disease Information Management in Clinical Research. Through the  Platform Chagas disease.

Clinical management of patients

What health professionals and managers need to know about yellow fever. How to perform Electrocardiograms. How to Perform Physical Performance Tests. Visit the UFMG page and learn more about these training courses . Telehealth courses Investing in EAD training in the France Mobile Number List  health area is an excellent idea for career advancement UFRN Telehealth Course. It is worth mentioning the training “ Telehealth: An Introduction to Services and Training of Professionals. The training is carried out by a partnership between UFRN (Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte). LAIS (Laboratory of Technological Innovation in Health) and the Núcleo de Telessaúde RN. Linked to the Ministry of Health . Its objectives involve. Identify the main concepts that permeate the National Telehealth.

Program Brazil Redesand demonstrate

Importance in promoting health and primary care Detail the process of requesting a teleconsultation. Understand the entire teleregulation protocol andaudit. Understand how responses to teleconsultations are assembled. Check out more information on the course page . How Executive List  do telehealth courses work? Based on the information above, you can see the variety of formations , target audiences, duration and objectives. What all the courses have in common is that. They are carried out with the support of telehealth. Which corresponds to the system of providing health services at a distance . Within this system, there is the tele-education front , which describes the offer of courses through Digital Information and Communication Technologies (TDICs). Currently, the most used is the internet, which allows the hosting of software in the cloud – accessible from any connected device. It is on this telehealth platform that many courses are made available. Keeping the materials available.

It is necessary to start from a careful clinical examination

Telemedicine helps in choosing the route of administration By connecting medical teams. The telemedicine platform contributes to efficient decision-making. Using the Morsch system , the nurse can guide technicians and nursing assistants to use the appropriate technique, confirming the information in the medical prescription . Files are available in a few clicks and are updated in real time via electronic medical records . If necessary, the professional can solve doubts with colleagues through teleconsulting . And reinforce knowledge by conducting online training , available at any time of the day or night. Request a quote to find out more. Conclusion In this text, I commented on the main points of attention for the use of the intramuscular route . If you found the content useful, share it. And read more articles on good nursing practices on the blog.

Teleconsultation Doctors – Sign

Up to see our patients telehealth courses audio player 00:00 00:00 Use the up or down arrows to increase or decrease the volume. Telehealth courses are yet another advantage of having technology applied to education. Just do an online search to find everything from training that addresses Dubai Phone Number List telehealth itself to training on related topics, taught on digital health platforms . These online options promote professional qualification , expanding access to the knowledge of various specialists. In this text, I present details about how distance learning courses work, their differentials and suggestions offered by telehealth departments . I also show the benefits of telehealth in the training of doctors, nurses and other professionals in the field.

Telehealth distance learning

Courses in various areas Distance education (DE) courses have been around for decades, but have become quite popular in recent years. One of the events that boosted the greatest demand (and supply) of this modality was the coronavirus pandemic , which required social Executive List isolation to avoid contamination. To get an idea of ​​the impact on education, the year 2020 registered more students enrolled in distance learning undergraduate courses than face-to-face ones , according to data from the Higher Education Census , released by Inep. That year, more than 2 million (53.4%) students took distance courses, while 1.7 million (46.6%) preferred the face-to-face format. Already in 2023, a survey conducted by Google revealed that health courses are the most sought after in the country , corresponding to 34% of the total number of degrees sought in 2023. Considering this reality.