Constructing an overview of distance training

Model in Primary Health Care for skin lesions Comprehensive Health Care. The line of care in Santa Catarina Comprehensive Oral. Health Care in Santa Catarina Comprehensive Care for the Person with. Diabetes Mellitusin Santa Catarina Training of Teleconsultants at the Telehealth Nucleus Comprehensive Care for. The Person with Systemic Arterial ertensionin Santa Catarina. See the complete list on the official website . Telehealth Courses UFMG Provided by the Telehealth Center of the Hospital das Clínicas. Federal University of Minas Gerais. The courses have a workload of between 5 and 20 hours. Its target audience includes physicians. Mursing professionals and health managers . Who can deepen their knowledge in several areas. Meet some of them: Global Burden of Disease Information Management in Clinical Research. Through the  Platform Chagas disease.

Clinical management of patients

What health professionals and managers need to know about yellow fever. How to perform Electrocardiograms. How to Perform Physical Performance Tests. Visit the UFMG page and learn more about these training courses . Telehealth courses Investing in EAD training in the France Mobile Number List  health area is an excellent idea for career advancement UFRN Telehealth Course. It is worth mentioning the training “ Telehealth: An Introduction to Services and Training of Professionals. The training is carried out by a partnership between UFRN (Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte). LAIS (Laboratory of Technological Innovation in Health) and the Núcleo de Telessaúde RN. Linked to the Ministry of Health . Its objectives involve. Identify the main concepts that permeate the National Telehealth.

Program Brazil Redesand demonstrate

Importance in promoting health and primary care Detail the process of requesting a teleconsultation. Understand the entire teleregulation protocol andaudit. Understand how responses to teleconsultations are assembled. Check out more information on the course page . How Executive List  do telehealth courses work? Based on the information above, you can see the variety of formations , target audiences, duration and objectives. What all the courses have in common is that. They are carried out with the support of telehealth. Which corresponds to the system of providing health services at a distance . Within this system, there is the tele-education front , which describes the offer of courses through Digital Information and Communication Technologies (TDICs). Currently, the most used is the internet, which allows the hosting of software in the cloud – accessible from any connected device. It is on this telehealth platform that many courses are made available. Keeping the materials available.

Distance learning training in the area

Health is a good business both for higher education institutions and for those who want to improve and progress in their careers . Discover some options offered via telehealth below. UERJ Telehealth Courses One of the best-known training courses is carried out through the. Telehealth Collaborative Platform at UERJ (University of the State of Rio de Janeiro). The trainings have a workload of 3 or 15 hours. They are intended for professionals. Who work in the primary care of the SUS (Unified Health System). There are courses in 10 major areas : Nursing Dentistry Nutrition Physiotherapy Child and Adolescent Health Health of the Elderly Psychosocial Care Infectious diseases Health Research Worker’s health. Access the platform to learn more about the courses . Telehealth Bahia Courses Coordinated by the State Department of Health of Bahia , these courses are also aimed at qualifying SUS professionals.

You can find courses and short

Courses that address topics such as. Update onthyroid diseases Clinical management of tuberculosis immersion inbiosecurity. Special immuno biologicals Surveillance of post-vaccination adverse events. Check all the courses here . Telehealth Courses UFRGS The Nucleus of Telehealth at UFRGS (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul) has France Mobile Number List course options for those who work in the SUS. Who have already graduated or are studying for a degree in medicine and related areas. The official website shows initiatives in: Clinical Management ofDengueand Other Arboviruses in the APS Monkeypox: diagnosis, management and control of infection in PHC Assessment and Treatment of Wounds in. Primary Health Care (PHC) Rare Diseases for Healthcare Professionals Rare Diseases forDoctors. Care of the patient with post-covid-19 conditions. Visit the core page for more information . MS Telehealth Courses Organized by the Núcleo de Telessaúde.

They include content designed to

Improve practices in primary care in the SUS. From the stimulus to the logical interaction of collaborative learning. The available options are: Qualification in Family Health Training for Oral Health Managers ART – Atraumatic Restorative Treatment CardiologyEAD Wound care and dressings for APS. Check out more on the core’s official website . Unifesp Telehealth Courses Offered to health professionals in general, training at the Federal University of São Paulo (Unifesp) is free. According to the EAD courses page , those interested can choose between: Extension inMental health Extension in Oral Health Update Extension in Diagnosis and Management of Tuberculosis in Primary Care Extension in Coordination of User Care with Mouth Cancer in Primary Care Extension inChronic painin Primary Care Extension in Operational Guidelines for Work in the Family Health Strategy. Visit Unifesp’s website for more information .