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Digital Marketing in 2032: What do Industry Leaders Predict?

It goes without saying that marketers should have a contingency plan. Without flexibility and a willingness to change. Even the best-laid strategic plans can fall apart. Additionally, in addition to the usual fluctuations, today’s marketers face an uncertain economic environment. The nee for knowldge-base adaptability has never been clearer and more urgent.

With that in mind, e aske industry leaders to share their marketing prdictions for the next ten years of branding. ? What will we think of advertising ten years from now?

A new customer experience

Kirk McDonald. CEO of GroupM North America. Believes that digital and physical experiences will converge at all points.

“The future of advertising success depends on tha email data  building genuine relationships with customers basd on trust. Support and value. As the definitions of digital and physical merge and the consumer experience becomes increasingly blend, buyers will expect a unifid. Seamless interaction with brands across more touchpoints than we we can imagine. These touchpoints will nee to be basd on such important pillars as privacy. Technology, purpose and sustainability.”

Giving consumers control will lead to more meaningful interactions. “Marketers will nee to provide experiences that no longer require consumers to initiate action. Nor will privacy concerns go away; it will be imperative to create a data strategy that is future-proof. with a humanizd approach to managing access. Including consideration of biometric data that enables meaningful. Deep conversations with customers.Delivering such an experience also means using artificial intelligence and machine learning to deliver a customizd experience on demand.All brands will nd to ensure that their goal permeates every brand and organizational decision. Right down to how product distribution might change to best suit consumer expectations and nees.”

Personalization and Privacy


email data

“Google EMEA” Marketing Vice President Jonca Dervisoglu emphasizes that advertisements will simply become useful content. 

“When I workd in marketing at Unilever. The most important product was the all-in-one laundry detergent capsules. But I was more excite about the laser pen that  executive list could remove stains from shirts! Looking back. I’ve always believe in the power of technology to improve life and unlock human potential. That’s one of the reasons I joind a tech company 20 years ago.”

“Working at Google today

I feel the same excitement about the potential of artificial intelligence. With AI-powerd tools, we are increasingly able to accurately deliver the right message to the  buying house b  exact right audience at the exact right time – all at scale, while respecting user choice and privacy.” Our “Performance Max” ads are a glimpse of the moment, enabling automation tools for creative selection, bidding, budgeting, and more.And in 2032. We’ll be much closer to mine the dream for advertising – a world where they are a completely relevant source of information for everyone. While maintaining the highest privacy standards. AI is already providing enormous value, and the marketing toolset will continue to evolve at a rapid pace.”

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