Reuse Shopee Marketing Assets For Facebook Marketing

When you run promotional ads on Shopee, you often asked to create images for your discounts and offers.

We highly recommend recycling this image for Facebook marketing. By doing so, you can market your brand wherever your customers are and limit creative investment.

Facebook is considered as one of the most used social media channels in Southeast Asia. Having an online presence on Facebook allows you to connect with a wide variety of potential buyers.

Of course this strategy must be adapted to each local market. You must have a LINE account in Thailand, a Zalo account in Vietnam, etc.

Instagram marketing

The key to successful Instagram database marketing is, of course, creating great photos and messages that encourage engagement, likes and shares. Not only will you attract more attention to your brand and products, but you’ll also have access to data that can help you improve your overall marketing (through remarketing strategies).

Make sure to create a business Instagram account rather than a personal profile to make it look as professional as possible.

Business Instagram accounts come with free tools like Instagram Insights which are in-app tools that let you view engagement data, impressions and more.

Once you reach at least 100 followers on Instagram, you will be able to get a breakdown of your followers’ demographics.

By doing so, you can assess the personality and interests of your buyer personas and thereby improve your overall marketing.

Google Ads That Work For Your Shopee Store


There are usually five types of Google Ads but we will talk about the most relevant for your Shopee shop.

Search ads pertain to the first sponsored links that appear at the top of the SERPs when someone searches for the best Executive List running shoes. You will easily recognize a search ad because it comes with an “Ad” label right before the website URL.

Before anyone hits enter, Google already suggests a set of keywords that are relevant to what they typed. All you have to do is incorporate Google’s keyword suggestions into your search ad campaign so that when a potential buyer searches for a keyword, he will see your link before he can get to your competitor.