How to get really effective results

It’s not enough to create a page, post something occasionally and expect millions of likes and shares. It takes strategic work and, most importantly, understanding the logic behind facebook. After all, why do some fan pages have such high levels of engagement while many others don’t? Find out now in this article. Edgerank works facebook has its own way of displaying content posted to users. Everything is based on an algorithm called edgerank , which works based on the basic three factors of relevance, affinity and time.

In order for edgerank to identify

Your content as relevant, your posts must have many comments and shared likes. If this is confirmed, facebook will expose your content to more people. Otherwise, edgerank will not be able to identify the relevancy of your posts, which will limit the reach. Ok, but how do Saint Helena Email List you make relevant content? You need to provide your audience with a solution. Therefore, generate simple, clear, and objective content. Forgo technical language in favor of helpful hints. Another important point is to make your own content and not copy or share from other fan pages.

Country Email List

The logic is simple: you need to provide

Differentiation to your reader, otherwise he won’t be interested in visiting your page again. Relationships are the key to success! Remember, in digital marketing, you are building relationships. You need to keep people coming back to and engaging with your page multiple Executive List times. This process should continue until your audience remembers you as an authority. In the beginning, it’s only natural that your fanpage doesn’t have many followers. Mobilize your network of closest contacts (clients, relatives, and friends) to like and share your posts. This will help increase the reach of your post.