Should Be Read and How the

Our Accounting and Finance students, Lenin Ortiz Trujillo, Letsy Rodríguez Mendoza, Jennifer Mendiguri Gómez, Nazira Valderrama Flores and Sandro Moreno Garay won third place in the International Labsag Challenge, in the Simdef and Simpro Simulators respectively, for the application of business strategies and decisions for the optimization of financial resources and cost management. Rossana Cancino Olivera, a professor at the Faculty of Business, was the guide and architect of this achievement, with which we obtain the international certification from Michelsen Consulting, a simulator development company. “The application of simulators expands the global vision of students and generates a link between theory and practice, managing to strengthen teamwork and the ability to make business decisions in different simulat industries,” she stat.

Obtaining in a Key Way the

In addition, our teacher trains and guides her colleagues at the beginning of the cycle in the use of simulators, thus generating a cooperative work climate in the faculty. For students Lenin Trujillo and Letsy Rodríguez, their participation in the Labsag challenge allow them to enhance their financial analysis capacity in different scenarios in the search for beneficial results for firms. Augusto Cáceres, dean of the Faculty of Business, highlight the achievements of the students, for being the only Peruvian university that manag to be b2b leads at the top of this international challenge. Our Business Faculty organiz the webinar Let’s Talk about Business with the topic “Innovation process for MSMEs”, which brought together students, teachers, graduates and employers from the 12 courses of the faculty, as it is a relevant and high-impact topic for the national labor situation.

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b2b leads

It is very important that students, throughout their training stage, keep in mind the great opportunity to create their own businesses or ventures with innovative proposals that generate value,” said Augusto Cáceres, dean of the Faculty of Business. On this occasion, Roberto Antonio Ríos, a Colombian specialist in innovation and consulting, participat as a speaker. His participation began with the description of the innovator and the definitions of innovation from various Executive List authors, then he comment on the body of knowlge of innovation and end by explaining the innovative process in detail. Not only. In addition, he clos his participation by showing the participants the activities implement in different Colombian communities where the Innovation process was the main protagonist.