United States and became part of the national retail calendar

Black Friday has brought with it a new challenge in terms of internet sales. Forcing several small. Medium and large companies to rethink their digital marketing strategies. The objective is to be able to take advantage of all the possibilities in terms of profitability. Brand visibility and positioning that Black Friday in Brazil can provide in 2018 for Brazilian e-commerce. There are several points that need to be taken into account by E-commerce companies. If they want to stand out on Black Friday. The ones that most impact sales success are: platform used. Logistical processes, alignment of the sales team with marketing, definition of a pricing policy, among other factors. In the next paragraphs, we will take a look back at the origin of Black Friday in Brazil and how the date has been received.

The retail market, in addition

Understanding how some services offered by the digital marketing agency Yooper can be useful to guarantee many sales throughout the day. of the event. Check out! The presence of Black Friday in Brazil On November 28, 2010, Black Friday appeared in Brazil, bringing with it the opportunity for shopkeepers from different segments to sell products and Estonia WhatsApp Number List services at lower prices during a pre-established period of 24 hours. According to data from the consultancy E-Bit, a company specialized in evaluating Brazilian e-commerce revenues, Black Friday was responsible for earning R$ 1.2 billion on the internet alone in 2014, showing the strength that online sales were acquiring in terms of volume and revenue. The year 2015 was also very positive for Brazilian e-commerce, with R$1.6 billion billed. Also according to E-bit, the home appliances, telephony, electronics, fashion and IT sectors .

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Responsible for both the number

Orders and the registered revenue. E-commerce expectations for Black Friday 2018 Just as previous years exceeded expectations around Black Friday, 2018 will be no different, especially with regard to the number of orders placed through mobile devices. According to the CEO of Yooper, Leandro Gorzoni, the date of Black Friday today represents one of the biggest Executive List events in Brazilian retail, resulting in a lot of optimism in relation to the date. However, shopkeepers need to be aware of some points to make it profitable. “Very well control the markup of products that will give discounts, negotiate with suppliers and reassess the mix to generate additional sales of Curve A products. A sales volume of at least 200% on a regular day of operation is common. Therefore, being prepared for this volume makes all the difference”, stresses the businessman. As it is not just another seasonal date.