All the B2B SEO Statistics you Need to Set The Bar High in 2023

Looking closely at B2B SEO statistics can help business owners and managers get a better understanding of where to spend their limited marketing time, energy, and financial resources.

We’ll address common questions surrounding SEO for B2B companies as well as share some of our favorite and, we think, most useful B2B SEO statistics to help set you up for a successful and profitable 2023.

What percentage of businesses are B2B

1. The average B2B buyer consumes 3-7 pieces of content before speaking to a salesperson.

2. According to research by DataBox, 81.2 percent of B2B marketing professionals Whatsapp Database  and business owners surveyed said that SEO provided better quality leads than pay per-click-marketing (PPC).

3. According to one recent study, 57 percent of B2B respondents cited the lack of a dedicated SEO manager as their biggest obstacle to successful content marketing. That same number of respondents said that getting better at SEO was a primary goal for 2023.

4. Make sure that your marketing pages are optimized for mobile devices. 52.2 percent of all website traffic came from mobile devices in 2022, and that number is expected to grow.

Mobile interactions drive over 40 percent of revenue for B2B brands. Need another incentive to update your website to be more mobile-friendly? According to BCG, mobile accessibility can accelerate the time to purchase by about 20 percent.

6. Content is king isn’t an anachronism. According to a study by CMO Council, 87 percent of B2B buyers report that online content has a “major or moderate impact” on the vendor they select for purchase.

7. You’re not alone if you’re missing some critical SEO elements. More than 90 percent of B2B content lacks backlinks, something that’s essential to good SEO results. Do you even know if your content has backlinks? Nearly 50 percent of B2B marketing professionals and managers said that link building was the most difficult part of SEO.

8. Do you have a formal content marketing strategy? According to a study by the Content Marketing Institute, 69 percent of successful content marketers say they have a documented content strategy.

9. Understanding and making good use of your branded content can be very beneficial. According to Demand Metric, 82 percent of people feel positive about a brand after reading the branded company’s content.

10. Are you using videos in your content marketing? Seventy percent of B2B buyers report watching videos throughout their sales journey.

Using SEO to get the best SEO results for your B2B business

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We understand that good SEO practices can be confusing, not to mention that they are ever-changing.

Effective content marketing means more than just writing quality articles, although that’s a good part of it.

To maximize your return with your content marketing, you need a content partner who is up-to-date on best SEO practices and who can deliver you content that’s not only well-written but well-optimized also.

In addition, you can partner with one of the platform’s content managers to make sure that Executive List all of your posts are well-optimized and support your brand

5 Leading B2B Content Marketing Companies

If you aim to attract, convert, and retain customers, it is essential to offer relevant content, according to the stage of the purchase journey your customer is in. However, there is no shortage of opportunity online, since 70% of marketers actively invest in content marketing.

So, what can you do to differentiate your business? Instead of you or your team taking care of your content strategy, a good idea would be to rely on specialized agencies or tools, mainly if you sell to companies. As a result, your plan will be well constructed, which will drive results

The B2B content marketing particularities

B2B content marketing is a way to use quality content to engage companies and develop a relationship with them, driving them to become Ws Number List prospects and then customers. But let’s talk about this concept a little more.

The abbreviation B2B means business-to-business and refers to a relationship between two companies. B2C, on the other hand, refers to a business-to-consumer relationship.

The differences between B2B and B2C
Selling to a company and selling to a consumer are entirely different things. Think, for example, about the relationship’s length. As fast as a consumer arrives, they can also go away and buy from your competitor.

Imagine, for example, that your company sells office supplies, like pens, pencils, highlighters, etc. Today, a consumer could buy some pens from you, and tomorrow, buy highlighters from another company.

However, if your client is a company, things happen differently. Purchases are made in large quantities after a period of analysis. In fact, that company will most likely buy from you again when they need to obtain more items, if, of course, your product or service is high-quality.

Also, when we compare the buying behavior of a company and a consumer, there are differences in decision criteria and the number of people involved in the buying process. All of this brings us to the particularities of B2B content marketing.

The B2B content marketing particularities

Besides that, to produce B2C content, you need to take into account the decision-maker, who will be your persona. Thus, the content must consider its needs, desires, and expectations.

This leads us to an important conclusion: it is necessary to have specialized agencies, the Executive List  right tools, and technology to perform well when it comes to B2B content marketing.

What Does it Mean to Work with a Content Services Platform

In today’s digital world, business, innovation, IT, and marketing are overlapping more than ever before, and it’s key to provide your team with the services that allow them to attract and meet the needs of potential customers.

With a content services platform, you’ll get everything you need to move forward with online services, attraction marketing, and more.

What are content-based services

Hiring a content writing service can lift the burden Ws Database of creating content for your team. You can get the content you need without using your in-house resources.

Ready to start? We’ve got you.

At WriterAccess by Rock Content, we’ve got the  writers, designers, and content creators you need to drive your business forward. The platform combines the efficiency of AI-powered tools with the creativity of human writers.

Why not give it a try today? Enjoy 14 days of free access to our network What Does it Mean to of expert writers. Discover the transformative power of great content for your busines.

This means that your digital presence is key in helping you attract your target market.

Simply having a digital presence is no longer enough.

You need to work with a team that can help you understand the insights based on your audience’s interaction with your content.

If you’re finding that you’re not getting the new business you want, your content services platform can work with you to decide how to shift your plan to boost your revenue.

If the idea of content services is new to you, take your time exploring what a few different content services platforms have to offer.

What is a content services platform

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Over time, you may find that your content services needs evolve as your business grows.

It’s smart to schedule regular check-ins with your content services What Does it Mean to team so that you’re able to ensure you’re doing all that you can to keep your business moving in the right direction.In today’s market, customers are turning to the Executive List internet far more than anywhere else when it comes to finding the right person or business for the job.


White Label SEO What Is It & How It Benefits Branding

Have you heard of white label SEO? Making good use of this resource and marketing strategy can help you offer additional services to your digital marketing clients without the time, expense and energy needed to create and train an in-house SEO department.
Have you heard of white-label SEO? Making good use of this resource and marketing strategy can help you offer additional services to your digital marketing clients without the time, expense, and energy needed to create and train an in-house SEO department.

How do you choose a white-label SEO provider

Of course, your white-label SEO services will only be as good as the SEO partner you select.

You are putting your reputation and  your client’s business welfare in the Ws Data hands of another company, so it’s essential to choose that partner wisely.

You want to work with a company that has the experience and knowledge your clients require.

In addition, you want a financially healthy company that will likely be in business three, five, or ten years from now.

It’s not impolite to ask for examples of the company’s work and references from satisfied customers. It’s just good business.

Lastly, you want to choose a company that’s responsive to your questions and concerns and one that will cheerfully provide easy-to-read reports.

What are the benefits of white-label?
In addition to saving time, money, and training associated with staffing and training your own SEO team, white label allows you to offer your clients a new service instantly, without the lead time typically associated with staffing a new department.

You also tap into the experience and expertise of your partner SEO firm.

By offering an additional service, you can also appeal to new clients who are looking for a one-stop company to work with for all of their digital marketing needs.

White Label SEO with WriterAccess

These content managers make sure that all of your posts are well-optimized and support your brand. Plus, the WriterAccess platform is powered by AI to bring more efficiency to your work.

We have an excellent track record. To date, we have produced more than two million projects for our customers with a nearly perfect (99.97%) success rate.

We invite you to give our white-label SEO service a try. We make it easy and affordable with Executive List our two-week trial period. Visit WriterAccess today to get started.

The Importance of Content in SEO

To fully understand the importance of content in SEO, it’s vital to realize how these two components work hand in hand. Many beginning marketers mistakenly think that search engine optimization begins and ends with cleverly placed keywords – this simply isn’t the case
The pages that land prime rankings on search engine results pages (SERPs) are produced by marketers who understand that great content is a vital part of SEO in and of itself.

How do content and SEO work together

We’ve all been there. You take a chance on a lower-ranking link because its title or snippet appears to have the info you’re looking to find.

But upon arriving on the Whatsapp Data page, you find the content stuffed with every keyword variation imaginable. In a misguided attempt to get more clicks, the author has sacrificed considerations like readability and grammar, right alongside their dignity.

Upon encountering such internet atrocities, most users can’t close the page out fast enough. This is just one of the many reasons that keyword stuffing does not work.

Not only are major search engines like Google well aware that some marketers do attempt such antics, but they’ve also taken steps to prevent their success. Keyword stuffing will not only hurt your results ranking, but it’s also a great way to lose a potential customer’s trust once and for all.

While the proper use of SEO keywords and phrases is a vital part of digital marketing, it’s never going to negate the need for quality, user-friendly content. If you are lucky enough to get a user to click on your page, make sure they don’t regret it.

Why is content important in SEO

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This system is designed to find the most relevant match to a user’s question, even if the keywords don’t match exactly.

The “quality” component is all about finding the most trustworthy and authoritative matches, while “usability” looks for pages that offer the best user experience.

“Context” considers everything from a user’s search history to location.

In turn, making sure  Executive List your content fits the bill is a vital part of SEO.

Your Guide To Hiring The Best Freelance Talent

Content marketing requires a constant flow of interesting and engaging new material, much of it text. That means you need qualified and experienced writers to produce this content. While you can use staff writers, there are many advantages to outsourcing your content writing by hiring freelancers to do your writing for you.

What are the pros and cons of hiring freelancers

Freelance hiring involves using a person outside of your company or organization for your content writing.
This Whatsapp Number List person acts as an outside contractor, so you only pay them on a per-project or per-word basis.
Freelance Content Writers Can Be Found Online via Job Boards Like the Excellent. One on, by Advertising on Local Sites Like Craigslist, or by Working With a Content Marketplace Like Writeraccess.
You May Wish to Hire a Single Freelancer. With Expertise in Your Industry or a Team of Writers With Different Voices to Vary Your Content.
Is It Cheaper to Hire a Freelancer?
It is Usually Less Expensive to Hire a Freelancer to Write Your Content.
That’s Mainly Because You Only Pay a Freelancer. When He or She is Working as Opposed to Having a Writer on Staff That You Pay Whether. They Are Writing or Not.
In Addition, Freelancers Are Outside Contractors. So You Don’t Pay Fica Taxes on Them or Need to Offer Them Things Like Insurance, Vacation Pay, or Sick Days.
Is it good to hire a freelancer?
Most freelancers get paid by the word. That means if they Your Guide To Hiring aren’t producing for you, they don’t get paid.
This makes it easier to match your costs with your content than if you had a team of staff writers who are paid the same amount no matter how much they write.
Freelancers also each have their own “voice”, their own way of phrasing things.
That means when you hire several freelancers for your content, you’ll have a variety of “voices” and points of view.

Working with Freelance Talent with WriterAccess

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One of the best platforms for hiring freelance writers is WriterAccess. We’ve been doing this for more than a decade and make it easy to find writers that match your voice, your industry… and your budget.

WriterAccess has a stable of more than 15,000 talented Your Guide To Hiring writers and editors with expertise in a huge range of subjects, from travel to e-commerce.

Our templates make it easy to place an order and direct it to a specific writer, offer it to a team Executive List of favorite writers, or broadcast it to the entire talent pool.

Crafting Irresistible Black Friday Ad Copy

Black Friday is widely recognized as one of the most lucrative periods of the year for businesses across various industries. In the midst of fierce competition, it’s crucial for your brand to rise above the noise and captivate consumers’ attention. This is precisely where a carefully tailored ad copy for Black Friday marketing becomes indispensable.

Importance of Compelling Ad Copy for Maximizing Black Friday Sales

Maximizing Black Friday sales becomes a priority as the weeks and days tick down to the Thanksgiving holiday. Your digital advertising campaigns take on a new urgency, requiring research, planning, and confident creation.

The importance of creating compelling ad copy is that, when done right, it can draw more attention to your brand, entice consumers to engage or interact and spur shoppers to take action. Ws Database For instance, your ad copy might aim to prompt customers to make a purchase, subscribe to a newsletter, sign up for a free trial, download a resource, register for an event, or even share the ad with their network.

The purpose behind persuasive copywriting is to move your audience toward a particular action. It also has the power to shape, reinforce, or change a response from a consumer.

Marketing campaigns that include such effective copy can influence consumer behavior and elicit reactions, often by utilizing emotional words and phrases.

Researching Target Audience and Understanding Its Pain Points

Understand the specific desires and pain points of your target audience and build your campaigns around these. For example, why is cart abandonment happening prior to Black Friday? Is it because of the shipping fees? If so, create a strategy in which you offer free or discounted shipping for Black Friday purchases.

While the ultimate goal is to increase customer Executive List engagement and boost sales with your Black Friday ads, you won’t succeed without first understanding your target audience and then prioritizing the customer experience.

10 Engaging Content Ideas for Financial Services

Even so, many advisors don’t reach their full potential. One reason for this is that they fail to engage in content marketing. Thus, clients can’t find them easily or learn enough about them to trust them with their hard-earned cash.

The good news is that financial advisors don’t have to miss out on all that content marketing has to offer. Following are tried-and-proven ways to create great industry-related content that will bring in traffic and customers.

Explaining Financial Concepts in Layperson’s Terms

Over-explaining financial concepts can turn off potential customers who are familiar with the industry lingo. Inadequate explanations won’t help potential customers who don’t know much about financial investments.

That’s why you need to accurately identify your target audience. Your content can’t appeal to everyone. However, it does need to appeal to the people who are most likely to turn into customers.

Don’t try to explain all industry terms at once. Rather, segment explanations to meet the needs of people looking for a particular service. Barron’s does this with its excellent article on terms to know when looking for a Ws Number List financial advisor.Most people love step-by-step guides. They provide detailed information in an easy-to-understand format. They can enable people to do things they’ve never done before.

As a financial advisor, you may be worried that a step-by-step guide will encourage DIY finances that will cost you customers. Don’t be concerned.

Your guide doesn’t have to take your place. You can cover topics such as choosing investment options or deciding how much to invest. You can (and should) also use your piece to encourage people to seek professional help and advice.

This type of content is ideal for people with limited experience with financial investments. However, you can also create high-level, specialized guides for people with investment experience.

Tips for Effective Budgeting and Money Management

Stories are especially appealing to people who are still unsure of the benefits of hiring a financial advisor. They create a connection and build trust.

Stories can be inspirational or cautionary. They can inspire, motivate, or even stir up anger or frustration. What matters is that your stories elicit emotion and move people to action.

Julien and Kiersten Executive List Saunders run the financial blog “Rich and REGULAR,” which relates to their journey of wealth creation. The couple credits their love of storytelling for helping them create successful content.

5 Hilarious Marketing Campaigns and What You Can Learn from Them

When you are serious about attracting customers, what is something great you can do? Make ‘em laugh, of course! And we don’t mean that you should make them chuckle, snicker, or giggle softly – oh no – we mean you should make them “spit milk through their nose when they laugh” funny!

Comedy is a key element of the most successful marketing campaigns throughout history. Silent movie funnyman, Buster Keaton, made several humorous ads for Alka-Seltzer, Milky Way candy bars, Ford vehicles, and even beer.

In the years to follow, consumers laughed their way through the purchasing process after being told to “Squeeze the Charmin,” “Leggo my Eggo” and asked “Where’s the beef

Ads That Work as Hard as You Do

This recent commercial from household name Amazon uses a fictional brand called Cherri to illustrate the intricacies of the advertising world for viewers.

It uses humor to accomplish this in a way that’s both engaging and educational. The result is a memorable ad that shows end users just how important it is to choose advertising solutions that take optimal positioning into consideration (the way Amazon Ads does).

Digital-age marketers should take note of the Ws Data savvy way that Amazon encourages users to laugh at how embarrassingly wrong even well-conceptualized advertising can go if ad placement is overlooked. The humor also leaves viewers confident that Amazon has the answer to the issue at hand.

What Works in This Ad:

Use of humor to highlight a commonly overlooked industry issue (effective media placement)
Acknowledgment of the creativity and hard work that human workers bring to the marketing process
A lighthearted approach that adds excitement to a concept that’s typically all business.

Add Your Heading Text Here

Although most industries involve plenty of competition, this is especially true within the Executive List smartphone market. A positive experience with a particular product can easily lead to fierce brand loyalty, which makes it hard for competitors to get a consumer’s attention.

Samsung’s intelligent, funny “Join the Flip Side” campaign addressed this phenomenon by poking some good-natured fun at the sometimes cult-like devotion that iPhone users have to the Apple name. The goal was to show off the awesome new folding feature of their Galaxy Z Flip.

7 Strategies to Create Viral Infographics

Are you yearning for millions of new eyes on your products, all from a single piece of content. Companies, To Transform a Few Hits Into Tens of Thousands Within Hours Can Be a Daunting Task.

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, where the average Internet user possesses a lightning-fast attention span, capturing their interest requires visually appealing content that speaks their language. That’s where infographics come into play.

Design Engaging and Shareable Visuals

In an infographic, text space is a precious commodity, demanding short, punchy, and straightforward messages. Don’t forget to include related tips or advice that align with your data sets. Your goal is to make your messages just as appealing as the captivating visuals and statistics featured on the Whatsapp Data infographic, emphasizing concise communication to engage your audience effectively.You can find such experts at WriterAccess.It Has a Network of Experienced Writers. Audience Finds “punchy” Doesn’t Come Naturally to Everyone. If you struggle to deliver just the right amount of punch in your message, consider having it written by an expert who will create perfectly punchy text for your infographic.Your content writers can delve into researching intriguing statistics that complement each other and relate to your company as a whole, forming the foundation for the infographic creation process.

Venngage is a lesser-known online tool but an effective one. It is also the only app specifically dedicated to infographic creation. It offers an easy-to-use interface that walks you through picking images and fonts.

Venngage has three pricing options. You can use minimal tools for free or pay for a Premium, Business, or Enterprise plan. Pricing ranges for the subscription platforms run between $10 per month for individuals and $499 monthly for Enterprise. The Business plan gives you access to most features for $24 monthly.

Stay on Top of Data Sets

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Infographics are a must-have versatile tool in your marketing strategy. With infographics, you can help readers understand complex concepts and share them.

You can use them on your website, blogs, social Executive List media pages, and emails. They help enhance your SEO, so you can rank higher in organic searches. They also build brand credibility.

A word of caution, though, a poorly designed infographic hurts more than it helps. If you need help creating yours, why not let the writing and design professionals at WriterAccess help? With a free 14-day trial, what do you have to lose? Try WriterAccess today.

5 Ways to Use Content Pillars for Your Social Media Strategy

If you’re a B2B link builder that follows SEO professionals on LinkedIn, you’re probably not following them in hopes of grabbing their grandmothers’ pie recipes. You’re likely following them for ethical link-building ideas, SEO best practices, and their subject-matter expertise.

But, if they talked about their family vacation on Monday, shared a recipe on Tuesday, and posted a carousel with five SEO tips on Wednesday, you might decide to hit the unfollow button.

Since you can’t depend on them for consistent, meaningful content, you’d likely take your browsing habits elsewhere, righ.

Add YoCreate Content Pillars Based on Your Audience’s FAQs

Ready to create relevant content for your social Whatsapp Number List media audience? Testing question-based content topics — think who/what/when/where questions — can help you create valuable content assets for your social media followers.

A simple way to uncover which questions to target is by looking through your customer support (CS) tickets, feedback forms, and email inquiries. Don’t hesitate to prioritize email security and use the DKIM checker when sending email inquiries to protect sensitive information and prevent unauthorized access or interception of communications.

Then, take this a step further by looking at the “People also ask” and “Related searches” sections on Google’s search engine results page (SERP) for the main keyphrases your business targets. In these sections, you’ll see a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) related to your target keywords.

For instance, let’s take a look at one of the top keyphrases the brand Hers targets on Google.

Mimic the Content Categories You Cover on Your Blog

These are the ones you broadcast loud and proud. They’re at the top of your blog page, you’ve worked hard to get them to rank high, and you promote them as part of your wider content marketing strategy on a regular basis.

Let’s take a look at’s blog page, for example. offers the following content categories on its blog: Business, Executive List community college, faculty, financial aid, press releases, and student life. It also has concrete pillar pieces in each category that it spends extra marketing dollars.