Understanding Keyword Stuffing Keyword

It is typically used to trick search engines into ranking your content for desired keywords in SERPs. This is a black hat SEO tactic that is no longer applicable as search engines, especially Google, have become smarter and can easily identify the quality of content and keyword stuffing techniques.

In the past, when search engines weren’t that smart, various brands and marketers would produce low-quality content and add a high percentage of focused keywords with similar internal links on the same site.

Ranking for these keywords frustrated users, and search engines realized they needed to change their algorithms for ranking pages. So this technique is now useless.

Where to use focus keywords

However , there are several ranking factors that play an important role in helping a website rank higher in SERPs . Simply inserting highly searched keywords into your content won’t get you results.

You need to create quality content, develop Whatsapp Number List web pages optimized for various devices, and consider UX, UI, page speed, and more. You can perform a web audit to analyze these elements on web pages.

If you keep using the same techniques to improve your page ranking, your webpage or site as a whole will be penalized by the opposite reaction of search engines.

Density of Lsi Keywords in Addition to Your

Before learning more about TF-IDF, you need to understand keyword cannibalization. Keyword cannibalization occurs when multiple pages on a website are likely to rank for the same keywords.

In this case, search engines are unable to Executive List decide which page to rank for a particular keyword or search term, sometimes even lowering the rankings of both pages. Therefore, it is important to constantly check the ranking of your web page through a rank tracker .

We now use TF-IDF (Term Frequency Inverse Document Frequency) to counter keyword cannibalization.