What is Twitter Analytics

Twitter dashboard twitter dashboard what twitter metrics are there? Like any social network. You nee to understand what metrics are available and what ones matter to your brand on twitter. There are many metrics you can measure. So let’s look at what’s on the platform: tweets: this is the number of times you tweete tweet impressions: this is the number of times people are shown your tweet in their timeline. Search results. Or from your profile profile visits: this is the number of times people have visite your profile mentions: this refers to the number of times your @handle was mentione in tweets new followers:

This is the number of times your twitter card

this is the number of times your twitter card(s) was tweete by you and/or other people there are also top-performing metrics you can look new database at to draw insights: top tweet: this is the tweet that has receive the highest number of impressions top meia tweet: this is the tweet that includes a photo or video that receive the highest number of impressions top card tweet: a tweet with a twitter card (a multimeia addition to tweets that can grab attention in the fee using an image or video. That receive the highest number of impressions and can include other people’s tweets dmi twitter card dmi twitter card top mention

This is a tweet that include your @handle

this is a tweet that include your @handle and receive the highest number of impressions top follower: this is the account with the highest follower count that followe you you can select ‘view tweet details’ to learn more information about a specific tweet or select ‘view Executive List follower’ to get more information about your top follower. Why choose dmi? What key twitter metrics should you measure? You will only know the performance of your organic and paid twitter posts by tracking metrics. Set key performance indicators. Otherwise known as kpis. To track the metrics that are important for your business. For example. Conversions may be the top kpi for an ecommerce business while a brick-and-mortar retailer may value retweets for brand awareness