The new trend of winning clients for less! On the blog, there are several other similar articles! So after you’ve read the tips i’ll give you in this article, i ask you to take some time to read what else we have to offer! You know the code of ethics and discipline that lawyers need to abide by, but do you know how to promote your firm’s image? Know: the oab allows legal marketing and legal digital marketing strategies as long as they do not violate previously established rules and do not present attractive content.
So, just as distributing business cards
At events and places of interest is a permissible practice, so is using digital business cards! The question is: why and how are they used? See below an example of dpg conecta, a lawyer business card in a digital environment that collects all relevant information for your legal office! Digital business card lawyers – digital business card for lawyers – the new trend in winning clients for less! Malawi Email List Digital_advogados_business_card stop and think about it: what do potential clients in your office need to see on a business card? Well, in addition to containing basic information such as law firm name, lawyer and address, it is necessary to adapt to the digital world, in addition to other data that complies with oab ethical standards.
What does that mean?
Well, your customers are on social media, whether they are current or potential. For example, you can find people who need a lawyer on facebook! What prevents you from having a page on a social network? Connect with your potential customers centrally with the help Executive List of the internet! I won’t delve into the advantages of creating a fan page for your business. After all, i have plenty of tips on this and other topics in other blog posts. But what i want you to understand is this: legal marketing is a very effective tool, but it takes adaptation.