Explanatory Class on How It

Among 14 participating teams from different universities in the country, our students from the Faculty of Business stand out with their team “Those who seek the best” Our students from the Faculty of Business obtain first place in the Innovation Challenge 2023, an interuniversity competition that promotes the culture of entrepreneurship and. Class on How innovation of teams that propose creative solutions to the challenges pos by society. The Innovation Challenge 2023 is organiz by Team of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú – PUCP , the Cajamarca Regional Government and the Secretariat of Government and Digital Transformation of the Council of Ministers of Peru.

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It is an important challenge that demonstrates the quality of teaching we provide to our students. At the Faculty of Business we will be concern about continuing to encourage innovation in our ucational community,” said Augusto Javes, specialist b2b email list coordinator of the faculty. Isac López Carrión, Roberth Aguirre de la Cruz and Diana Lara Zavaleta, students of the Administration major, and Yoslin Antoni Yzquierdo Alvarado, of the. Accounting and Finance major,

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Second place was obtain by the team from the Catholic University of Santa María de Arequipa. The event includ the participation of the Manager of the Regional Government of Cajamarca, Eng. Jesús Julca; Enrique Quispe Peña, coordinator of the PUCP Equipu network and Gleni Valdivia Guillen, Huawei Peru Public Relations Manager. On behalf of our institution, there were our outstanding students, whose team was call “Those who seek the best” and. Romina Urbina Jara. Professor of the Administration degree and coordinator of the Innovation Challenge activities Executive List at the Cajamarca headquarters. Dr. Augusto Cáceres Dean of the Faculty of Business stat that academically. Class on How we seek to develop critical. And creative thinking in students of all our careers. Among other professional skills

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