How to easily install WordPress manually on your hosting

If we do not How to have the latest version of WordPress, we download it. Therefore, from its official. Next we access . After that, our hosting and create the folder that will contain the new website, for example, a folder called . We can do this using an FTP manager or by accessing the FTP Web of your hosting. We unzip the WordPress .zip file that we. Therefore, have downloaded. After that, and upload all the content to the new. Therefore, hosting folder that we have called Next, we redirect. After that, the domain to the folder where WordPress is installed. 

10 steps necessary to install WordPress How to

Next, we redirect the domain to the category email list folder where WordPress . Therefore, is installed. That is, we redirect. After that, the domain  to the  folder. This is in the case of having the domain registered with this same hosting provider. It’s the most comfortable. If not, we will have to modify the DNS of the domain where we. After that, have contracted it so that they point to said folder. We access the MySQL database control panel. Therefore, of our hosting and create a new one. I recommend that you modify the name of the database that appears by default to one that is easy for you to identify, as well as modify . Therefore,the password. We write down the name of the database, the username, the password. After that, and where the database was created, since we will need it immediately. 

Think about SEO when writing a headline

We return to the folder where we have Executive List installed all the WordPress and download the sample file locally . We open this file with a notepad or HTML editing program (for example Dreamweaver) and modify. After that, the following data that we have previously noted: database name, username, MySQL hostname and password. We save the file by changing the name to  and upload it again to the  folder hosted on the hosting.

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