Emotional Marketing and Cause Marketing, hand in hand

It has become fashionable. Emotional Marketing has become fashionable. And hand in hand, Cause Marketing, of course. But it seems that there is a wave of excess emotions in all advertising content, thinking that this is the right thing for brands. But… what about consumers? Has no one considered that they are surely beginning to be saturated with so much bottled emotion? I don’t want to start this article with an excessive dose of drama, but rather reality. I have been talking and writing about Emotional Marketing for many years, studying it through brands, companies and online and offline content. Doing analysis, collating information.

Excess of emotions and content

We are using emotions beyond our possibilities. We have turned the Internet into Marketing 3.0, creating emotional ties and emotional ties between brands and users through content. Content that we mistakenly think is king. But the king is the user, who generates, creates, publishes, disseminates and viralizes the content. Then everyone email database decides who is the queen, the prince and the kingdom. “The tools are magnificent, but success in Content Marketing lies in the magician, not the wand.” Jay Baer The Internet is a channel for the distribution of causes and awareness through emotional content… and REAL. Let’s look at an example.

Marketing with a Cause. What is it.

Let’s define Marketing with a Cause as a strategy that a company generates to differentiate itself from a supportive point of view and, of course, socially responsible. That differentiating value compared to its competition. You only need to incorporate into the launch of the product or service, including the brand itself, that you want to promote a Executive List specific social aspect that awakens the sensitivity of your target audience, that target, which you intend to attract. But of course, not everything goes, I insist.

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