Product Industry Trail guide

 I will summarize my testing strategy and how. I carry it out passively Product Industry. In multiple stores. I use this type of campaign only for Dropshipping stores, I do not recommend it for Ecommerce brands. I speak from my experience, I know that there are hundreds of super complex and elaborate strategies, but after trying a lot, this is the process that generates results for me. Monthly campaigns At this point we are testing a new product. We have never had sales or proof of concept. Therefore, to minimize risk , we have to break the best practices in the books and test quickly and cheaply.

 The truth is that I don't like to Product Industry get complicated

When we start scaling, we start applying industry email list best practices such as retargeting, horizontal scaling, etc. Our focus here is on creating QUALITY ads and testing that. The truth is that I don’t like to get complicated and I am quite simple when it comes to structure, but I do put everything into the emotional focus of my ads. We will use a Facebook Ads campaign to profile, sell and optimize Here I seek to make the most of the algorithm, it knows more than us, so let’s let it work, right? We profile : We will go directly to conversion as an event in the pixel.

By having the first sales Facebook will draw different patterns

The idea is to look for conscious Executive List buyers and to buy cold. This way the pixel will learn what type of client we want. Sell : Our campaign will buy “buyers” (pardon the redundancy) from Facebook, that is, audiences that really buy from us and not just browse our website. Optimize : We will leave everything in the hands of artificial intelligence. By having the first sales, Facebook will draw different patterns of similar buyers, thus creating our “buyer persona” from all the data we are buying. So we will save our little sheet where we create our ideal client and let Facebook work. Expectation : This funnel is not created to generate 10-20 sales a day; It is focused on stability throughout the month.

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