Do not use sales words in subjects

We know that, when creating a subject, we may want to use words that drive our customers’ desire to buy. However, this trigger can backfire, as Gmail and Outlook often hide advertising emails. Therefore, your receiver may not be able to receive your content. Therefore, we recommend that you use more of the consumer’s curiosity than purchase triggers, such as “promotion”, “free”, “balance”, among others. Respect your persona Let’s illustrate: imagine that your potential customer is a young person who likes virtual games and you need to send him an email. Wouldn’t it be nice to send it like this: “Dearest, new games are available in our store. Would you like to check them out? With affection, Loja! The language of your email needs to be the same as your target.

Thus, the chances of your lead becoming

A buyer are much greater! Offer rewards to your customers E-mail can be a very used environment to solve school and work issues. Therefore, there is a certain danger that, in the rush of everyday life, your message will only be viewed, but not read! Therefore, it is extremely Czech Republic WhatsApp Number List  important that your emails have rewards for your customers, whether promotions, discounts or even gifts! Thus, when receiving your next e-mail, the person will already be aware that its content is worth reading. After all, who doesn’t like a discount? Build a relationship with your customer Isn’t there that saying that says “those who persist always achieve”? Or would it be “who believes”? Well, it doesn’t matter! The truth is that persistence is, without a doubt, the soul of business! So, it’s extremely important that you build.

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Relationship with your customer

Simple: maintaining a cohesive and constant email marketing campaign. We’re not saying you need to email your leads every day! Anything that’s too much doesn’t work. Therefore, your email marketing campaign must have a coherent and spaced, but constant planning. And rest assured! If you’ve followed the previous steps, your customers won’t get tired of receiving Executive List your emails! Create segments between leads Last but not least, we need to remind you that different customers may want different types of products. You will not send, for example, content about dogs to someone who admittedly does not like little ones, just as you will not send a promotional e-mail about cat food to someone who has dogs. For each and every product, you need to have a segmented list! This is the art of the business and needs to

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