This is how brands milk the cow of interactive content

This is how interactive content plays a very relevant role in the content marketing strategies of brands, which, after all. Find in it a phenomenal springboard to fuel engagement. Brands work with a plethora of interactive content. But which one brings the best results to the table? A recent report from Ascend2 concludes that emails of an interactive nature have the reputation of being the most effective interactive format in the eyes of marketers . 52% of marketers consider interactive videos to be the most effective. Interactive videos and live streaming (47%) and surveys and quizzes (35%) also boast high doses of effectiveness.

Interactive emails are the format that best combines effectiveness and ease of execution

The Ascend2 study also puts the spotlight category email list on the most difficult interactive content formats to execute (which do not necessarily coincide with the most effective). Interactive videos and live streaming (40%) are judged to be the most difficult interactive formats to execute. And they are followed in terms of difficulty by interactive infographics (38%), interactive eBooks (32%), calculators (30%), games (30%), interactive emails (26%) and quizzes ( 18%).

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If we take into account both the Executive List effectiveness and the difficulty of execution of the different formats evaluated in its report by Ascend2, the best ones turn out to be interactive emails. Whose execution complexity is rather minimal and they boast of being the most effective. Surveys and quizzes also fall into this category. While interactive eBooks and games are generally perceived as more difficult to execute than truly effective.

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