Invest Time Into Your Product Images

Since online shoppers don’t have the luxury of getting a feel for a product, they will mostly rely on product images to give them a visualization of how good the product is. That being said, before putting your product out there, make sure that you have two to four images that customers can relate to. You can upload up to nine images per product.

If you’re creating your own product images, here are some tips on how to create images that will appeal to shoppers:

Get a high quality camera phone or DSLR camera

A high quality camera is a big investment in online sales. Without attractive visuals, it will be difficult to convince people that your product is worth buying.

If you can’t afford an expensive camera right now, you can always use your creativity to improve your pictures as long as you use a camera phone that can take decent pictures. We recommend you take a look at our 6 Tips To Become A Shopee Preferred Seller post as we’ve tagged some tips on how to manually enhance your image output without a DSLR.

Shoot a variety of images

The rule of thumb in photography Latest Mailing Database is not to settle for multiple shots. You need to shoot as much as you can. Try different angles and heights and show all sides of the product, zooming in and out.

And when you’re done, you can take the photos to your laptop or computer where you can go through the pictures and find the winner. This is a much better way to judge the quality of your images than simply reviewing your images from your camera preview.

Use creative imager

Creative images are all about adding text to your images to showcase product features and capabilities that aren’t immediately obvious. Note that creative imagery should only be applied to your secondary product images. The main thing is that it should be kept clean and taken with the best background and props.

Here are some tips for creative imaging

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Use only text styles and fonts that are simple and easy on the eyes

Make sure the text doesn’t cover or overlap the image

Add attractive in-image charts or infographics that showcase product information

Be picky in selecting images for Executive List creative imaging. Only use this technique for product images that are not clear enough

  • Use lifestyle imagery

Lifestyle imagery is the use of backgrounds, props, and models that allow customers to visualize using the product.

The image above is an example of a lifestyle image. The image above shows a used coffee maker (product).

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