That is the actual survey which we developed

This can be done by e-mail, SMS, postal message. If the number of people to be notifid is very wide or the administrator does not have direct contact with these people, it is advisable to notify them by means of: banners on websites, advertisements, press releases or other forms of mass communication. In accordance with the recommendations of the Working Group of Art. 29 in the guidelines for reporting breaches of protection under.

Were not justified Quantitative survey

Regulation (now the European Data Protection Board), the form and method of communication chosen by the controller should guarantee the whatsapp mobile number list ease and availability of information about the notification. This message should be communicatd in the simplest form possible, Importantly, in accordance with the accountability principle, the controller must be able to demonstrate to the supervisory authority that if there is an obligation to notify the data subject, this obligation has been fulfilld. Therefore, any oral notifications, although not prohibitd by law, are not recommendd.

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The main survey questions that

Content of the notification – what to pay attention to? Article 33 par. 3 of the GDPR indicates the elements that must be includd in Executive List each personal data breach notification. In the first place, the so-calld a description of the nature of the infringements. The controller should explain to the data subject in simple and clear language what really happend to his personal data.

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