How to Write the Perfect Blog Post Headline

10 years. Yes, a decade ago I wrote the How to first article on this blog. The task that I have been carrying out for the most years, and that has possibly generated the most satisfaction for me: professional changes, entrepreneurship, new personal opportunities, etc. All personal and professional achievement. And today I want to celebrate it in the best way, with a new article! Specifically, with a topic that I have been keeping in draft for a long time but that I consider key for those who, like me, enjoy writing: choosing the perfect headline for an article. Go for it. 

What should the perfect headline be like How to

Short. Be brief. As I pointed out in the previous industry email list section, do not add more than 6 words. What you want to tell will be developed in the article. A single idea . Usually, and even more so if we are looking for very complete articles, several ideas are presented in the same post. For the headline we must choose a single idea, the most powerful. The clearer it is, the better! Descriptive. The perfect headline must describe information, although the tone can vary, that is, it can be ironic, interrogative, affirmative, persuasive… Hook word or expression. Use expressions or terms such as “How to…”, “The 10…”, etc. In the next section we will talk about it in more detail. Superlative adjectives . 

10 hook words or expressions for a perfect headline

The words “hook” are those “ingredients” that should always be Executive List added to a headline so that a good one becomes a perfect one. These are some: Secrets/Tricks/Tips . We are all curious. And if an article reveals something that no one knew to date, we will click to read it. But always remember not to create false expectations! An example would be: “Five tricks that no one had told you…” or “The 3 best tricks for…”. Free. Free always sells, even if it is paradoxical. If in the article you offer some free content (a guide, an e-book, a template…) it will surely work. Absolute / Definitive. 

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